ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (2024)

So, you want to begin a ThunderKit project but dont know what to do or where to start with? no problems, this guide will look into setting up your basic ThunderKit project. However, this guide will not cover the concepts of your mod's Manifest, Pipeline building, and so on

(This guide uses TK 5.2.2 and RoR2ImporterExtensions 1.0.0)

What you'll need

  • Unity Version 2019.4.26f1 (*)
  • Unity Hub (Extremely recommended)
  • GIT
  • GithubDesktop (Recommended for managing your projects, as its very beginner friendly)
  • Basic unity knowledge(*) Specifically the version that's listed under the RiskOfRain2.exe's Details. RoR2ModCord's !unityversion command is always kept up to date


  • Step 0: Setting up your Git repo (Completely optional, if youre not interested, skip to Step 1)
  • Step 0.5: Wwise Integration
  • Step 1: Creating the project & installing ThunderKit
  • Step 2: Installing RoR2ImportExtensions
  • Step 3: Import Configuration, Explained
  • Step 4: The ThunderKit Package Manager

Step 0: Setting up the Repository

Setting up your project's repository is not exactly the same as setting up a repository for a visual studio mod, this is due to the fact that unity contains a lot of files that are set up or created on a whim when the project is either first opened, or while its opened.This step uses GithubDesktop as it's guide, but you can use other desktop clients (Like GitKraken) or do pure GIT in the command line

  • Begin by creating a new repository, go to File -> New Repository

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (1)

  • A window like this will pop up, fill it with the necesary information such as the repository's name, description, the path where the local copy will be stored, etc.Note that we're using the Git ignore for Unity, this is important as it'll massively reduce the size of your repo in the internet by ignoring the files that unity creates on demand

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Once you hit "Create Repository", the repository will be created, you can then hit "publish repository" and it'll be published to github under your account.

.gitignore modification

It is recommended to modify the default .gitignore file that comes provided with the repository. This is a sub-guide on what to modify

  • We will now setup the GitIgnore of the project. Open the file called ".gitignore" in the explorer with your preferred text editor. you can reach the .gitignore file by going into Repository -> Show in Explorer

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (3)

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (4)

(The .gitignore format uses # as comments)* Once opened, you'll see something along the lines of this. begin by removing the first / of every gitignore entry.

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (5)

Since we're using ThunderKit to mod the game, it is recommended to append the following at the end of the .gitignore file

#RoR2 Packages FolderPackages/Risk of Rain 2#ThunderKit root folder & LogsThunderKit/Assets/ThunderKitSettings/Logs/

If you're going to use the Wwise integration, append this at the end of the .gitignore file

##-------#### wwise ####-------##WwiseProject/.cache/WwiseProject/*.profWwiseProject/*_WwiseProject.*.validationcacheWwiseProject/*_WwiseProject.*.wsettingsWwiseProject/**/*.akdAssets/Wwise/Editor/ProjectData/AkWwiseProjectData.asset*#notes:#1) if any other files go in Assets/Wwise/Editor/ProjectData/ besides AkWwiseProjectData.asset*,#then don't ignore Assets/Wwise/Editor/ProjectData.meta. If AkWwiseProjectData.asset is the only item in there,#then, it's OK to ignore this file.Assets/Wwise/Editor/ProjectData.metaAssets/Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Mac/*#Integration

Step 0.5: Wwise Integration

The process of integrating Wwise into your unity project is very recommended, the process is not precisely simple, so a different guide will be created in the future.Assuming youre in the Risk of Rain 2 Modding Discord, click here for a text guide in the #map-creation channel

Step 1: Creating the project & installing ThunderKit

Once you're ready to create the project, open UnityHub, go to Projects and click "New Project"

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (6)

Once the project creation wizard pops up, be sure to choose the editor version that matches the game! and in template,select the "3D" template

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (7)

(For people who followed step 0: notice how i'm creating the project inside the repository, this is important)Hit "Create Project" and wait for the editor to appearOnce the editor appears and your project is finished intializing, its time to install ThunderKit! 1. Go to Window -> Package Manager

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (8)

  1. On the upper left corner, hit the plus sign and click Add package from git URL

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (9)

A field will appear where you need to input a git URL, go to this repository

Selecting the right version for you

Here you have two options. You can either: 1. Use the latest, bleeding edge build ( (not recommended) 2. Use the latest release (recommended) If youre going to use the latest release, hover to the right side of the repository and hit the latest release, copy the link above and paste it in the field in the unity package manager, before hitting the "Enter" key, type a Hashtag then followed by the tagged version of your desire (IE: #5.2.1). hit "Add" and wait

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (10)

(note: at the time of writing, ThunderKit version 5.2.2 has not been released, this version (or greater) is required for the importing process to succeed and work properly. If youre reading this and 5.2.2 has not been released yet, just use the latest bleeding edge build)

If everything goes smoothly, you should see the ThunderKit Settings window pop up.

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (11)

Youre now ready to start modding with ThunderKit, however, it is recommended that you install the RoR2 Import Extensions before importing the game to the project.

Step 2: Installing RoR2ImportExtensions

The Risk of Rain 2 Import Extensions is a ThunderKit Extension that extends the import process to enable extremely simple import process and automates some small annoyances that come with setting up your project to work properly.

It is recommended that you install it in the same manner as you installed ThunderKit, the RoR2 Import Extensions repository can be found here

Step 3: Import Configuration, Explained

With RoR2ImportExtensions installed, open the ThunderKitSettings window (Tools -> ThunderKit -> Settings), there's a setting called "Import Configuration", click it.

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (12)

Import configuration is a new feature introduced in ThunderKit 5.0.0 that allows the importing process of a game to be extensible, these extensions can be created by anyone and as such allows for complete customization and modification of how importing works. as a matter of fact, RoR2ImportExtensions adds 11 new import options to ensure your project is as stable as possible.

At first glance, the options in the import configuration may look intimidating. This guide explains each one of them in mild detail, as knowing what each does is important

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (13)

  1. Post Processing Unity Package Installer (RoR2ImportExtension):
    Installs the PostProcessing package version 2.3.0 into the project, recommended to leave on if you're going to work with PostProcessing
  2. TextMeshPro Uninstaller (RoR2ImportExtension):
    Removes the TMP package and allows the .dll version to come thru into the project, recommended to leave on as the one in RoR2 is slightly modified and not having it can cause instability
  3. Assembly Publicizer (RoR2ImportExtension):
    Automatically publicizes the assemblies listed in "Assembly Names", these assemblies will be publicized with specific arguments using N-Strip, recommended to leave on
  4. Import Assemblies (Default):
    Imports the assemblies of the game into the project, the assembly identity algorithm will define what kind of GUIDs the assemblies will obtain, it is recommended to set this to "AssetRipper Compatibility".
  5. RoR2 LegacyResourceAPI Patcher (RoR2ImportExtension):
    DISABLE THIS! It was used to fix certain editor issues, but since the "meteor update" the patcher just results in a broken assembly. Since that update, using the existing LegacyResourceAPI seems to be free of those issues. This option will be removed in a future update.
  6. Import Project Settings (Default):
    Imports the game's project settings (such as nav mesh agents, layers, physics layers, tags, etc) into your project, recommended to leave on and choose "Everything"
  7. Create Game Package (Default):
    Creates a package.json file for the game's assemblies, recommended to leave on}
  8. Import Addressable Catalog (Default):
    Imports the Addressable Catalog into your project, very recommended, as it enables the Addressables functionality of ThunderKit
  9. Configure Addressable Graphics Settings (RoR2 Import Extension):
    Shader related, recommended to leave on
  10. Ensure RoR2 Thunderstore Source (RoR2 Import Extension):
    Creates a new Thunderstore Source and sets it's url to , recommended to leave on
  11. Install BepInEx (RoR2 Import Extension):
    Installs the latest BepInExPack into the project, recommended to leave on
  12. Install FixPluginTypesSerialization (RoR2 Import Extension):
    Installs FixPluginTypesSerialization into the project, recommended to leave on
  13. Install R2API (RoR2 Import Extension):
    Installs the latest R2API into the project, recommended to leave on
  14. Install RoR2 Compatible Unity Multiplayer HLAPI (RoR2 Import Extension):
    Installs the RoR2MultiplayerHLAPI, Extremely recommended to leave on, as the hlapi runtime dll ror2 comes with is modified and will cause issues in weaving the assemblies and assets
  15. Install RoR2EditorKit (RoR2 Import Extension):
    Installs the latest RoR2EditorKit, recommended to leave on
  16. Get Bitness (Default):
    Sets wether the game is 32 or 64 bits, leave this on

Once youre ready, click the "ThunderKit Settings" settings option, and hit browse to locate the game's Executable file,

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (14)

Once ready, hit import! be patient as the import process may take a while

While youre importing, you may come into this window telling you an API Update is required, ignore this and hit "No Thanks"

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (15)

Step 4: The ThunderKit Package Manager

ThunderKit comes with it's own PackageManager (Tools -> ThunderKit -> Packages). this package manager can be used to install more mods into your project (IE: installing Risk of Options to enable your mod to be configured with it).

The package manager can be used to install both RoR2 Mods, and more ThunderKit extensions

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (16)

ThunderKit: Your First Project - Risk of Rain 2 Modding Wiki (2024)


Is modding allowed in Risk of Rain 2? ›

Modding the game is currently possible on PC. This page serves as an entry into the world of Risk of Rain 2 modding and installing mods. The Developer Console can be accessed by hitting Ctrl + Alt + ` on the US key layout. The modding wiki can be found here.

How to manually mod Risk of Rain 2? ›

Installing Mods on your Client Manually
  1. Open Steam and Navigate to your Library.
  2. Right Click Risk of Rain 2 and navigate to Manage > Browse local files.
  3. Navigate to BepInExPack > BepInEx > Plugins.
  4. Copy your mod folders here.
  5. Your done! Your game will now launch with your installed mods.

How do you disable mods in Risk of Rain 2? ›

Disabling Mods

To disable a single mod you must remove the . dll from the Plugins folder. To disable all your mods rename the winhttp. dll in your Risk Of Rain 2 folder to winhttp.

How do you install mods in risk of rain 1? ›

Easy. Just go to, choose some mods, and download/extract them to your mods folder in your installation of RoRML. Or, if you go to rainfusion through the launcher, you can just download them through there!

Is there a way to cheat in Risk of Rain 2? ›

Like many modern PC games, Risk of Rain 2 includes a developer console that players can access in order to adjust several different game settings and parameters. As players might expect, the developer console easy to access, and it's also the only way to enable cheats in the game.

How do I get r2modman? ›

First things first, download r2modman from its GitHub page. For Windows, you would want to get r2modman-Setup-VERSION.exe or r2modman-VERSION.exe . The former installs the mod manager to your system, while the latter simply runs r2modman without any sort of installation.

Is r2modman the same as Thunderstore? ›

r2modman is a mod manager that you can use for many different games. The mod manager is also an option, but it is essentially the exact same thing just with ads, so r2modman is preferred. Once you have downloaded that, run the installer and then you should be mostly good to go.

Does cheat engine work on Risk of Rain 2? ›

This Risk of Rain 2 Cheat Engine Table allows you to completely alter the gameplay. You cannot just make things easier for you but can also make it as difficult as impossible.

Where are Thunderstore mods stored? ›

Finding the mods folder 1

Open Thunderstore Mod Manager and select your profile. Open the BepInEx folder. Note: The Windows file explorer may be opened in the background. You should now find a folder called plugins.

Do people need the same mods for Risk of Rain 2? ›

Everyone having the same mods installed is always a good idea for stability, but is not required.

Can you reset Risk of Rain 2? ›

Open the console, and type "exec reset". This will tell the in-game console to execute the config called "reset" present in the config folder. To execute the command again, hit the Up Arrow on your keyboard to select the previously ran command. You should now be set up to quickly reset in Risk of Rain 2.

Does Risk of Rain 2 have commands? ›

The Developer Console is a UI window which provides a history of the most recent event logs and also allows the player to issue commands or toggle some setting variables. It is disabled by default, but can be enabled on PC by pressing: Ctrl + Alt + ` for US/UK keyboards. Ctrl + Alt + Ö for German keyboard.

How to get content warning on ThunderStore mod manager? ›

Click 'Get Mods' from the menu on the left side and click on you mod you want, or search for a mod from the bar at the top. Download all the mods you want, then launch Content Warning from the 'Modded' option in ThunderStore.

Can you mod rainworld? ›

Rain World has a well-established community of modders who have produced a wide variety of game mods in a range of formats. Formats include code modifications and custom rooms and Regions. The Rain World Modding Wiki can be found here.

Can you mod Risk of Rain 2 on console? ›

I am dearly sorry but currently there is no mod support for console. This would require considerable effort from hopoo and an agreement with each platform similar to what bethesda has, If you really want this on console then ask the Developers: Official Risk of Rain Twitter.

Can you play Risk of Rain multiplayer with mods? ›

To start modding for multiplayer, you need to be aware of exactly that: you're modding for multiplayer. Your code needs to work in an environment where more than one client is going to be active at a time, which means you should be coding accordingly: Stop using global static variables for everything.

Can you play heretic Risk of Rain 2? ›

Kur-skan, the Heretic is a secret playable character in Risk of Rain 2. The Heretic cannot be selected from the character selection screen at the start of a run. Instead, she must be transformed into by holding all 4 Heresy items at once.

Can you get achievements modded in Risk of Rain 2? ›

Yes, you should be able to earn achievements while playing with mods.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.