The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)


fUaial tbanaafc aa far tuat bantirtl B'fml taTorinta, MKA. M. TUOalWOM. Michigan 12 ACRES. tanrd.

In trnf? 0Mtia Mir I. fl-Ucb mm rrpiioo A. K. WbK. Normtl.

IX Speed Up the Sales! MINIER PLEASED WITH NEW ELECTRIC PLANT iB SAaaT Tfiiiaunuii Ll Ulnier. Jan. zS. Th citizen Mlnler ar. wall managamant and aorri.

tb alKtrlo light plant; ondw old management th aervlc nVl what might desired and In iv? camber, U20. a number of the sen of tb town feeling th need nf Improved service, pooled their teresta and formed a mutual stw-J company and arranged to bu, out and Uk over th old plant. rTt teeo thousand dollar worth share were sold at V-i a share, a few thousand dolUr was borrowei and th old pUnt was bought for a consideration which Justified th. new company taking it over making th newdad Improvementa in order to glv th peopl a llgbtlrtr system worthy of th town. TVf plant has now been running in, year under the new management ar? has eared per cent on th Inve.t.

mnt over and abov th runnlrr expenses, which is vary gtratlftinl to th stockholders. A sinking fund haa bwam ereal-d for th purpose of not only p.yf,, off th indebtedness, but It i th policy of th company to possible. Interest on aU stock owned by each Individual stockholder and to eventually refund to the holder, th original cost of thejl stock, and when this pushed, donate th plant to thl VARKET 8T 203 U' wo, nw if ljaan pcwf arral in liAixfrra, pclvata boas: grcUma pra f-r t. ill" I HLIiRT fT tTw funwr ht: rnt mh Qb I.HEKKT 07 A taf ill l.BEKHT HIV indm fnmUi.J I'l lMi 40 (ti "krL i'm ana twisu surrwitHia. CH.IVK HT 10? E.

Ir(a, r'asaat mcai wr, with UTxi. ri. t.a 14. it- lit ijjKVKLT AVE. S04 Paniiatad mom trt Mvan va.hhin;to ny i aTv WAHHINOTON 4S E.

Chi'W, fur- nthM. inc'irnng all iroVm por-wiianiw, in F1mt ha for taiaona or busuuaa nan. gill. -Two llHt hnaakarrijig rootaa. riOM Ursa, B-Jfni.

fnmlJ fmt ROOMS OR BOARD WANTED HISKKEKHV; HMC wnn'M, two or hrr( by o.up: tnnst mrra and in gwdowlitr 1'hna 213. h''--m420. nOMS WANTED, tnnnVud. bf up.a wth 1 -Tmr-oli Km cloaa la. Addraaa GOOD THINGS TO EAT I'AKKS All kimla 1 cakaa nun'timw, tinin H.

rVNTKV BI KR anj mik dallremj wk-lr tit )ar aruuti't at 6 mtt per puuoU. Klrti rrW-k, 111. 1'iHAToKS. IN'f AT(fU 1 33 dtllrM! Hair rtxta 7 WashlngtoB 0t. lrifftin.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOP SALE IIUNA tii pohd a a wnn 'rfui barauL bt9m'a Don't depend npon the demand of your own neighborhood or your own circle of acquaintance in aellinj your poultry, eggs, lire stock, real estate, machinery, or anything else that you have for sale. Enlarge yonr market put a Paragraph Want Ad. to work in over 17,000 Central Illinois homes. Seeders are Eeaders of Pantagraph Want Ads HOUSES FOR SALE IISHtS. wwirjg mschina gut stora! fea'h'T Hkf ertnteaasn.

1 a. at. Te, I It MM Nil Calln JlanKigrapfj CLASSIFIED RATES tomrfVn rf tt1 4c r-f ejrrw Mt it-Mns Te 1 worrl Fl ioriif-Tiu lirrtlcn. prr --n On i Tc jr nl wks il? irrrvnti 1 pr Om in-vmirOBs1 rf "aid H'mmun Count 12 votff nlffium CMra 2S tinti Utow Kim cpoU to als rtatet jMlf sti A 1 ft t.thr' rvrtH term r1 to th Hr ftr wf1 phtrrcrt 10 Hi Couc Rm rnrLwhwi ca at lb wi-To-et A i an. fir Uin'n: sw) Off" eJavaslflmarms frost aoroainic4 rjr oaab nu ijnrai fstrrtsw, Da'ty Pantafp! twnn tha TlfM to cwtf st a4a axnilrg to oa nueaan' ti is t.

ft nt lha of fha wWrl aart iw.w-1 tta i itt'1stnnt wiJ ra Twtifmi rnul- i without antra rtwT. hut the? Tiny I'ln-as-tiri wtl. faapnnafMa 't ptiS ti flit prrrrt lnwtjcn m' tla irtJnjai. Nr a.icwancw wll! ba 3a ren rfr tuttrUIl TaWw few Want hn II Is iwa en a ae tm hi T0U, Tra as thu tt an onmmoojtion sarta, aiaacu pimam pnmptl p. ot ina ei ii.

Kinloch 7 kltWmit ij nd djnoDUnaaroa ordt-n stoat rmck this rffic 8L Is OTflat ba ffdla (n tint nit uv. PERSONALS ni.inihi anr dbta ocntraat! r.y wife. Hottn E. Lk. 617 W.

Oakland LOST AND FOUND ilHRES STKAVKI np and or, hrrikP. about 11 mo ai'l 1200 Dmnda hod all J. W. irgan. Nofaul.

pb-ua I'Uti IAST Ita'f of silrer fourtam ln. raarf-Toai Jt-4-R; lh I.OST -hjtH EPThaT 5''U with rng fcni Huffl fn klis nn at rantartpo oci9 and rtoatra ra- wnl. TIKE AND RIV LOST S5i4 Hawke-ra: oat RatuniaT aianlnz. Arttor Hailff. LafOT.

Til ppwM HELP WANTED MALE for farm. J. V. if kPrt. Eoiiira.

Ill AR WORK Marrwd sttsn; wat of dty; mom bnM; ana aga. pippTienca and iaf wam AddrpaiC 1 2. ora Fanugilipn. WOitK Sing' maa, la fiuinlnc and dairying. Adf ipu Men-fctmpr ppkin.

III. Rout 1. TaP.H WORK MarrlH man wtr.tarf for ft rot rk. exi.nend. Aldrwa W-ll, PpntiiCTanh.

J'fix SAI.KSit.OI want-i to aaU ptanna, aH.Trf -p ik a iMi grM oin'or-OuiitT fcr bditiar 4 ry and rnmmilon or atrawht iar. fekidmorta Alxuao llua. 41 Vim St. HELP WANTED FEMALE riK wanUd at Hotel. jSwvTff TOR9 HTeral euerinfl W4cam demrONtraton, tiua oty.

fr hnaa -tow aaiasa. Ak fr Mr. Corttljon. IBrnoia Hotel liwm 30. twveai 1 and tv jMar.

MLS wo naat ataartng girta to travaL tB Mr Bronay, Hamilton tiotai. batwea and 111 EjffcEWOKK UatetMl. girt "Mdle-agad rur wtra; nan; pl-wijlq. au dp-" Bo 2jg rwottfc. HH FWuliX a ntT woman Fx gwiaral tamawurk.

ifuira X. llaln fit; pbona 42. ExpaHenpwd girt for gao-I ha-Mwofk; mo wasmng or troning; bast m. St-a. A.

fcchwifuman, 10 Cadr Ctmt: jhonm 8iiV. SALESMEN WANTED wmiU'U at chi-p; enfTgeUc mn ww can fumi-b oar Iminlla ul of JreT.i(ifi'! mttil'-iitw. extract, wcea. toKt ofticies. ttofk in it half Taz- 'ail ejouniy; trad aiicaay aatablitlmrt: p-pwriarifw nnnetvry si.niiid oMH)rttinity fnr huntler wno titire permanent and prlt sM amimyiufnt; vnitp quick full rr--twrra.

or cail unicc. Hurling Med-ctne Trt. 4 J7 loomintrton 111. StWk PALI SMAN" ntntpi. r-iont nf Blnoin-ington, to sail prefem-l suck oi a auec- 01 JjUlnoia TTf) it ry t-nk ref-n-ncpa reoui rM jEerai fumtaif i jq antboruad by Iiitnois tato neountie pKiiiaunsiuD, Addreaa lock Box 87.

111. AGENTS WANTED f3KNTS our or irtnnitT to indepwnd-nt and prurijctvu-; Iwcume (-or bpetisi rep- ayaaawtatiTe. il gart in denand; uartifAilara 1'reu. Tit Hacoru CfTpany, Elmira. N.

Y. TRADE INSTR JftVEBXMLNT POSITION M.n. womtu, over, wanted for milvay mall posUffl(. fjeT portions; ercaminuti'jn soon; salary -JN00lbto year, exptrienoa unna stry; TArticulara free. Writ Columbia School rf JCjii berrlc.

37i Pui Wasidfitfton, AT.Ta atr. wometi boys, girls, ovar 17, willing to accept goTerttmeot pusitlnua, $185, writ Mr. Ozmeot. 8t, Louis, lmnt-4MaXiy. SITUATIONS WANTED FARM -PfiAltion wantod bv Touna man.

fHrnmif. or dairying: exoe'i- red at both; will beiiio or inWr; t'Sod reference. Carl H. bUell. iioute, "Tftwatoc.

Ark. UM UCUK by married man with small ikmily; want to in a nag a farm. Address fc.11. ear rantaerauu. firH'KKREEPLU woman dti.rpa 4)oattion a boawkteiiar rpfpreucaa exchanged.

dresait-l 1 care Puitagrspb. jiURSlNG want (rmnocnierita prica to suit Umu, Arei a specialty; f-Si, rara fanttfrntio. m1. tn MIAIiU UDl woui 10 ca lor ui- noj oiu. AQdiasa 1.

car nu JUCriNKD COPrLE oxd lira ila. In amiU 4 sally; wife for 'iouaa man to flro Tiay. Add resa g-1 1. are Panttra pp. ToTS'G MAN, married, warn position; six jMea' eleikUi expencnce- can lunusb food jwrerencea.

Phone 1217-a- SERVICES OFFERED 3.t'TO TtiP and euruln worki curtains ttd whiio you vuu Arnold 210 fc. roBi. tABPENTER and general repairing, roofing and brirk work guaranteed. Pboiia 2l3u-J. Cl'ENTLK and general" repairing and rinf-4, ail wotk guaranteed; pbont 1S72-J.

A. Taylor. ELFJ TH1G SERVICE Wiring, repairing. 4x-turea and appliaooea. Rouiware iectno moo a FEATHER REDS made into mattrecies: wsab isaObera: also buy.

Sanitary feather HattraM 1400 East Holme; phon 2022-J. JUB EMODELING -Brtng In your kit year furs ana r-T then) mdae orer Into ua newaat wuitfcr styles; fur re i ring, fur clean ivm. W. LL Uoiand. tb alar a that selli SOMfiUliH RE-SILVERED, work un fllad and at biah-arad cabinet Work; aawa flied and set.

Geotg Rag land. 10 S. Madiaon: Kinloch R3-J. Two largfirt moving truck la tt etty: local and long dlstanoa ha Hog; r-4noed price; call 25b. Snyder Sioraa and Packing.

Vl AIp REPAIRING Any kind of pumps or Phono 2901 -L. fiAPETY RAZOR BLADES 8HARPKNED Gipnon'g, Front bt, Bloomlngton, a KK SCRGERY. trimming, cutting down, bracing 11m ba, spraying, eta Pbona GulUfsrd. WASHINGS Family washings wanted; wort oaiifd for and deilTerert. Pnono 2fliil WM.U PAPER AND CARPET CLEANING pbon Klnktcn 1116 X.

Peqne ft Parker. RANI)STROM. hollar maker: when tout collar needs repairing, una or aon ui eau iiw a. VI HHPAIH atnYtw ml all kinds: work man ted; loweiit price, ReUabl Furniture ROOMS FOR RENT CHWTEB 420 N.Urge, furnished elasrtng room, irouna noor. tteaa neateii tw bloeka trom aQuare; at) aingl room.

rhone zhib. 202 w. Fnr rent, "our furnlabed noma for bovaekeeplng, first Boor: ft tilt from Weekeran. aam from ft plettant irvtrnment ererytblng moriern wm block from street ear line; to aa he gooma will mean to want tbun; adult mly; tefnc ettciianged. TBONT 11 W.

Two rom tar right hopeektetrtag. SHtDLET B(i N. Xlfjely furnUhed room In atriotry modern home, doe tn; suiu bie for two. Phon S69-J. flOVS ST 606 K.

Room for' lent; maf- eonnl ar lady emDloved 400 Comfortabl, wmQ veotUatad rooms; modem; lai youraeif feea at home. Phone 541-R. TltOVB IT 607 E. Weil furnished sleeping JtilOVK BT 612 W. Large "lelng room, moder koine: getleinanpreferrej.

JPrTEROX 801 On room, nicely leynrrmed; Ti modern eoneecteccea. 8T, 406 K. Choir, furolsh-d TTXira tin so-'ian, tw wmut tw? Tl20 N. Three furninhed room loi light hoTeaeeplng. Fhon lmu-U 102 W.

Suit of Jigut boua- WMrranar rooma: ataeoa heat. litAXiH4jy t. af AS i nui Awasa 11 baaam fa HC Urwl.n mom, meals deairea roa ZZ i TV. --Staatm bAtd room to joong cut a 11 IlKNS PI I 100 tnf lUrrf. R.

i. Bulo4. li Mr URl'KK tor krad lalu K.x-kii ibnlora. la. I BOAR fr LIVE STOCK Mttrrwi fUmnblrw.

fill furrow; on ri tfrl arw aa a February Nit arfp; guality ani braarltcg. ra litg to In ru4 jUmi an1 Whitatiaii soUaa. I'nff Una aii'k eow. 10 a W. lnruit.

'Ttuai pnocai qot'-ij Cf'W Fira row, frtat, aoOu, wtiiow N' mill, ra ioTT C(lThr-taP-oM Jory rw ao4 t2f. 1302 N. Ui.n 2 X. ItlKIH WartM 'tn 'HJ SO tf 100 ba4 gtOCI Jof. A tmi CSrp I'lPUfTapt.

MMtKS aI FIU.IE8 Entire bard ef tovr rrrhrTi diw and four flUlaa: bis oka an3 -r. wU braa Jo men; poona Canoca, ia "jmdTflinKXS AND rUBOCS. s-tra bui arraa. ar.1 fait boara 7r aonf: thia la as' rod a lot aa toa to In tha county. Iln HolUa.

phut. 1430 J. StiWft Hxcnajfw aowa ami gilt. brM fov uht litlp; b-at of M.m- Imaa- dubta KLEMlAT.K awm fur tarn M. l-iioa.

DOGS CATS AND PETS HKAGt.E IB 'I'M cM; hroka. -Una IS otEa CANAKIEA for aaip; gitarsntaad aingm; Harti Uounlatna: also fpmalca: fl- bnis fr hrepiiing purpotasA Fb-na E. Mcro 8t. l'ANAIFS--4'inaam-n Rollpra. Hartg Moan- taln: pffg fb'n 2221-L.

MACHINERY AND TOOLS MACHINERY BARGAIN. Wa har a nuinbor of utpd and rbillt va cbtnp. mgtr). team and gas; angmca, gang riows. 2, 3 id 4 bottom, a on 6 br.ttni.

4 inch Oiivpr No- fl; in tractors hap a 12 2J ATpry. upi two apaaona; enp tt-lK kl'giU. in r-d wt king order; on 10 20 trs tT M-uiit and ilka npw; ona 16-H International halpr with 6-horappuwfT pngin. a raal bargalo; aUo on 17-22 Sandwich motor baiar witb 7-tK-r-pi)wr L'bantlciacr angina In p'ecaot ecnriition: on, tigiitmli 8urc ahrcOiipr. on Jptmy tiukpr threddpr and alW grpat all-around maehlne: kerk-Gonar-man Afry srtraur and many otbar bargains; tend for list; tb maphlna win ba a-'id on aaty term or axcoaogaU; wbat bita yunf THE A1TENH l.EARY Ca 0NB Gould tiip-pu mm np, aix-incu dla -harga, ootniriatc; ona Goulq rums jack for ati-icch well, ninuip: on Gould imp jark for aigni-tncn wpii.

tor dPtalia and firtiir information lnqulra of tb dtjr eiark, "rnial. 1U. T'M iL.4 Ira harrpating tool for B. ,4 ..,.7 inmM, Via 1 Sraio bt nder. rut 00 arree 7 Toot Cuta way iw, dlr rpenpr f-r round dbr, 4 bra CiMhman gaaolm angina, on opt fork harrtPn and gocd leahpr collari: i-h-n AAt8 J.

lUrry fiayiaaa, 700 Hndd'ith Rd Normal. SEEDS AND PLANTS CHOICE red rlTer aw-d. 112 per bus a el W. b. iwpt clover 16 buliPl; all kln.ia ol firm mU; sec I fcr aamnlta and OBtatg.

keliy hrttl Sin Jots, in. lEEJi bard 1020 ouru. jack from cnb. $2.50 par bufebeL En U. XUnrntr, Handnljb, lit 8KED CHN f.r link's Tallow lant.

bigh Yielding, full germination fuarantwd, 3 tiiaue4 I. tnicipn, 1JL J. lekf rt. UTILITY TYPE aei corn; Raid's Yellow Dent; sweeiPtake Gsleburg ahw- high yield er In Woodford county corn yield taat, $4 f0 per buabai, shelled and graded, Harold T. ney.

oa noa, ill. WE ARE haadgitartara fur the bast ot thing In farm seeds; you prorlt by our long xperienco when favoring ua with your trale; quality efimaiereu. pneaa onaueog 0001 pa rtson tats price and sampiea re kurik Hrna. 8ed Co, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Sary ami rlothM Phone 1 jt-' 1 ITe sp RKADN Two awlbjued bedspreads for aal1; will alw taki ont'-ra fur ftppliqued b-d- ajrpttds pnraa ttom ui. Phono ft 80.1.

Two hdles' cuata. corduroy and ef-jet; li'Tiry atsnd, lectrio lamp. Si03 -r NCltETE FENCE 11. 1ST Ilearilv an- rcetl will last 100 years auk for ur elrmii anil r-vltal nrfp htf hi In price make thes perms ant povta chMueu on LL market 'i'U Xvia Ewiug Concrete Co. KINDLING WOOD -Mo load of kindling wood.

7. cent per. load, undellrertii. Steru'a. 501 N.

Maiu. EN 'M and youug men's trousar mad to measura or ready madt; low in price, bnt not tobe gni. Bloumar. the Tailor. SLEIGH AND BKLLM Good tnditlon.

TT. M. IeaverOl J.fajett Apt. KoRR Black hearakin Vuto robi CaU 610 E. Mulberry St.

COMPLETE flxtiirea for reaUurant for aal incltiding finnuui, mirror, show cnaea, oountris, table, disbea, stove, fan. cuffeo urn; term to suit th purclser. Call 982, 11 iji. COMPLETE fixture for reaUurant for tale, inr-ludttig fountain. mlrrur, show eaaea, emtbten, tahlea, dlshaa, store, fana, floffce jm.

t'all 0h2. Ilaywurth, 111 F'tR BALE Throe chemUtrr aU, tba well known lino; rpgulaf prioa tightly damaged: will sell for ball price. W. B. Read A Co.

A FEWV nncaiied for and model nit, pants and an accumulation from our fourteen stores affording you choice eelec tion at 1 very great saving. John Monro Tailoring wcrld'k largeft ttliora. Bloom-wigton store P1 N. Main Ht MISCELLANEOUS WANTED LOT 1 1 1 anted to buy men and hot? aacend-hsnd clothing, shoes, overcoats.

Fred Uuaii. J0Q S. Center stiaei; Klulocb 2197. Wantfd to buy all kinds of fur nltur and toTe. K.

F. UeaL 2 la a Main nhore HMO-L, salvation armT turn all kind of old magazine, ale Pbona ClOtli! ug. furoiiura. 2MA HEATING AND PLUMBINQ IF YOU WANT anything in tha plumbing cr heating line, call Berner A Conrcy. 621 IS.

Main Ht. distributor of Ideal Areola. INSURANCE will your present Policy protect you? If tire ahould dettroy your home today, eouid yon rtylac tt with tha policy taken out aer-eral yfurs ago The man who 1ms built a bom within the bat tlm or fcur years will tfl you that your old policy Is only half pro-taction. insure today fnr what your bom if worth tomorrow it may be too lato. C.

A T. a iv a Floor Jd Fellow Bldr Kinloch T01. TpnrjrdBC)Mi AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BCICK touring. Light SlZ T. K.

Jlays, 701 N. Main. BLICK 1020, ildel fiU. flu conditivn. with winter or mimmer tnp: wifl sell Rex inter top aeim rate if desired.

Zlndel M.v.'ill) N. East; phone 13.S. BUICK 81 coupe, lltlt); good. A'JBU Pl UIUIUU, 1A. Olasmbile lftl'ii.

Id mobile Light, 1016. Maxwell touting, 1918. Overlsnd coupe. -cylinder, Oontlnerifcil motor. Orerland 63 touring.

1 ton tnios: with pnonmatle ttree. 1 Chevrolet. V. B. model, 1920.

baby trend These can ar all In good nmning ordac end priced right; teems If desired. W. FRET A SONS waahlngton and aladiaon Bta. Phone 426. FORI 8 1 FOHDH FORDS I 1A21 touring.

6100 worth ef extras, orlea S39n: 120 toiirine. nrifw i2V: 102U fc'rring, price 130; 11H tturinr. prion H'Jj; 1917 orfii 85: tour ing pMo 495; tharKia and aieedateTB, pnr $70 and np; used Ford tires and part ft't cnia on aour. gtora Juxonange, ooi w. Market.

FOKI tourlns. eaad eondltioiu with aoot- aoriM; oargain ror qnicg sale. Call 114-X. BTTTifi roadater for sale, or will trade for lira eouie; wreci aernoa uay or nignt; tvonan ga. oh, arcw saonea ana wsaning.

AYf-OItaJ GABAGg, 110 B. Madiaon. Phon T6T. 1 1920 Dodge sedan; look. nd nm Uka new.

11020 lda en tfk flaw. Orerland Country Club. exoeUent enftdltleti T. K. MORROW lo Ige Motor Car, Uashlngton end Grtd1y, ONE 1019 Ford roanstaf (the lt8 MaxweU tmirlug.

On 1918 Cherrrlat touring. On Hudson Super 81s tijuruif. Cash. uad. gmy a uomer I MDingion ana 1 1U21 Ford touring ear, good aa new; this ear can n.

purroawa wito email payment down, and neianee on monuuy paymrat. 1 1 1120 Ford coupe. $350. 1 Idle Ford ton track. 1 Ford chassis.

1 jprlc 8128. REOIOEtl ACT0 SCPPLT. 104 W. Front. Phon.

28HT. 1 LATE MODEL T)d. touring. 1 Ford touring, 87 S. 1 Ford rosdHer.

100. 1 11117 Paige Light Six touring. BAKKK'S T1I1E tlllOP. l'8EI CAB BARGAINS. Ford roadster, cheap.

Olds 8ii sedan, new. bargain. Franklin four-paaunger i.ail.; v. good mdl- tlon. One Franklin tourtng, winter top; nnt-ckm Thre.

Fianklin good On. Franklm ecdan. m-hamcally perfect, paint, bsreain. Beraral other good bargain! 'IMP'OX BROS li w. Wuhmgui, MiMOurU "SIS half for pfWI rtaht.

O. W. W.lUflk B. BKAL FABM BlHCAIM. 4 ACRFS I.FV ET7 furs.

WELL HKAINEI) BoCTHEAST Mlf.HOl'Rt com far; foml Bpconoimu: loot) oa nrl mad. mUm to Wfor: 100 A tnm wbrmt 40 Aem otorar; iMito for tniln. $150 pw men: mmjjcv mmt ri. UJI.Unil llhlepc. til PIllM FOB HALF BTWNEH.

ln Aim firm. eVr ul tlfmlfa pid. ann'haaat MIskkiI: alluTial arIL wrll dafaiail par arr. Fir trrma an.1 pmrttcuJaia w-'. to Jtin J.

Rataa. Btawton. Ho. Wiiconiin. LASIin)OT.

fraa; apadal mnaiDar Jaat.rat ttif.lnfM man fart of clorar knd In MarlMtt amintj. Wlaeonata: for a boma or aa iuvaatsMtit you ar thlnalag or ouring food (arm whara fannrra frw -ht muni at oara for thla apnial trambar of lAndoloaTL la fir oa raquaat Aldnu flkllmor.R1.tila tAnd Co. 122 Ikrkliaoi-Rlrtila Marinrttr. Wla. KinMa.

SOUTHEASTERN KANSAS 06a tana landa, law pnc, th aojy r.ictiangca aoada npnd tor mogipi, TU alXen cofnty i.sve6tnt oa. Iol. Kis. LAND pro-iuciDg frons $100 to 11.000 p-r acr. In ft to 40 irra tract, ou payn ta irma av to avru oowd; aaca lor jinama TUU MAGX0LU PTATB LAND C0MPANT.

io. Kit. Canada SUNNY I0LTUER.N ONTARIO A tmnroTod eount of uniform erona n4 unnara.leled aluaa. So crop failnre. 1020 lnt oirn up to $0 bu.

per acre. S0 People Bank Bldg. Pbon 2205. EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE WANTED- A good going rota ft busfns tmnnnt of ITAftA (W tllOA tnw nlM llttl Ira. proved farm in Mclan euunty.

ddrea S4, care nntagrarn SMALL Improved farm In Uelaan county tor Hloomington or email town propavty. Tuotnai F. Payn. 425 CP, FARUa nd rite nrmwrtv trr aal OT X' change; If jam went to buy, eefl or ndipnge property or any Kind, ee na. r.

moa- toner ak win Livingaten mag. BUILDING for exchange, 40xT0 feet, two-etory brick, for reaidenew property rroomiugvon, auxeea jv. ami rauu ISO ACRES of tend In tb eon bK for lab or trad for atoek of menhandk. D. ft Kbutt l1r ntw Til TIP Yon HlVC tr Atm 'wmrff anv wtier that yon wUl icbang.

aend oa tull parUculara and we will no doubt ani match vou: 20 yeara' exnarienc exchac John F. Welch Bloomlngton, lit WK HAVE good dtly Ircome property or farms for sale or trade. Cowan Lend Uv- lngntonB Idg. SEE F. M.Fankpbrgr for real eaUte x-cUanepe and Insurance of ell kinda.

Boom ft. 202 N. 4 enter Ht REAL ESTATE WANTED FARM V.ntd to haar from owiur barlni farm or nntrunroTM land for Wla. John J. Rkrk.

DliDuami Wia. BEST PROPKRTI tht 13.000 to 15000 will inn. 847-R. B0ND8 LIHEBTT BONDR for al; rirtrat. owner d- 4 a.

Victorlea; will aell only In loiai Aaan-ea u-ii, car, raofgran. UICH CI.AS8 tint mortgage, on aasWrn Col-orado bnd for m. to net tb. tnreator 8 per cant: thaa, ar. all gilt tin aanuritlje and will bear eloeaat kii'wUgatlon.

A. W. Wlwgar, BurHngton. Col BTTT BAFK BONDS. era offering I par cent flret oruag lvn why taa.

6 per nnt OT 7 par emtf Tli. oar. and preriwon with which w. oate inrrvtigateii tux laaue, for on year, if your aafeguaru. FEABonT.

Bounatsa Ittabliabad 186.1 Cbleago. HI. K. F. RRECHBELtXR, 401 Urtngston Bldg.

Phonal 40S-I FINANCIAL MONEY TO -6aN MONEY TO LOAN on lmprored central Il'f-nol. farma; fundh on hand, no delay. Flret Truat and Baringa Ba k. Bloomlngton. IlL FARM LOANB, rauonabto prepayment farm mortgage, for Bale; aatab-hed 1878.

Fred B. apen, 210 W. Cwiter. I HAVE a fund for S0 000 to loan on McLean county land; wit: loan $125 per acre. A.

Klrki.trick. 403 C.rieeheim Bldg. II1LK' TO LOAN on good real eitat re rurltr at current ratea: no delay. Enoch mock, tffln twit nana lag. 8 PER CENT MONET FOR FARM LOANS.

W. bar. mad, arrangemmU for fund, to loan on choice) prairie farma in central Hltnola at 8 per rant interest per annum In amount, np to $100 per aero: money ready now or fcr Marsh 1 Light aV Light. SulU 228 Unity Bloomlngton, 111. MONEr Bpedal fnnds to loan on dty property and fanna.

Light A Light, Bl.lg. MONET TO I.OAN on Illlnol, firms. per cent. Thomas F. Vain 425 Grtea'iefin Htoomingron.

ON GOOD dry property In Bloomlngton or Normal or fanna in McLean and Adjoining counties. Cowan Land Co. ON tn antral IlttnoU: also far gages for Hl'IiSOS BFRTt C0 81t N. ranter Bt. LOWEST RATES OF 1NTERERT en farm or dtr Call or addraw In1s W.

402 Corn Belt Bank Bldg. FARM and dty kiane; quick action: fciwMt brrua: liberal prlrliegM. Frao. iOi JerTenon; phone 2201 MONEY WANTED WANTED $800 for on. to Jhre.

yeara on city pro perry. Aouraee i-ii, oaiw no- Master in Chancery. Sals But. of McLean county SB. In th.

circuit court of said Enoch Chase at si. Harry. I Gray at aj. No. 13139 I(.

rlHon srttc Pnblio notice hereby glrasv that In pur-gnanr. of decra enteretf on th. Slat day of December. V. 1831.

by tb. asid In tb. sboi. er.titled csme. I A.

W. Peasley, master in ehsnccry of aaM McLamn county, will, at the hour of 3 o'eloen In th. afternooii, on Saturday, th. 4th day of Febrasry A. U.

iwaj. at tn. can aoor os omn u. In Bloomlngton, In said Mcln ejnnty, aell at pnblio rondnef to th Wghcst and jert niaaer, U. louowing aeecviuru King and being In the county of McLean and etate of Illinois, Th.

north hsif I 1 of th. Kwtheast onar-ter (',) of section scren (7); th. aoutteslt Quarter of th. southeast quarter hi of said sccUon scion (71. and nln acre, off ot th.

full east aid. of the aouthweat quarter (4 of Ui southeast quarter (14 of said aecUon aeren 7). all In townsh'p twenty-one (21) north, rang, ail (8) cast of tb. third prlnclpnl meridian. TfrMS OF SALE -Ten JKr emt of tho purchase pric.

cash In hand on the dsy of sale. Option shall br glin to the pwernaser to carry baik not to eiceeil one hundred dollars an acr. by th. purcharer girlng hla not. for an amount not to exceed oneThundred dollara an acr, of aald premier, due fir.

ytar. afterr March 1. 1832. bearing Interest at 8 per cent per annum after 1, 1V22. and payaM.

annually on March 1 each yar, and with prepayment options of fiv. dollar, or multiples thereof r.n tb. principal on any Interest paying dsU; the purchaser to aecur. the asm. by first mort-gag.

on th. premises sold to such purchaser, and payable to th. master In chancery of tills court. Th. balanc of th.

purchas. pric to be paid in cssh on March 1923. If the purcliaser desires, howerer, h. mar Pay all the balance In oath op March 1, 1A22. The tare, against premises (strand for the rear 1921 will b.

naid by tba master In chancery out of the proceed ot said aslo and premise will lie eold free of the taxea assessod for tb. year 1031. Possession of said premises will be reserrer until the 1st dsy of March. 1922, and possession tiieo th, purchaser ot aald premises on th. 1st ny of Msrch.

1922. All prepsrty of tho tenants Is reserved from th. aald sale. Th master in chancery cf thl, court wtll furnish an abstract ef t)tl to tb. purchaser showing the approral of said wle.

th. expens. of ssld abetnet to b. charged as a part of th. cost, of thia t.o-ceUng and paid as auch by th.

mas'ar In chancery. Ssid snA my procsMfngs tn this atter. ar. aubiect to th. timeml of th onnrt.

Bidders ar. adrlaed to consult rhe deer. In th. a hot. oausa, front which all my Authority Is nertr.1.

first Buoncsnon in Th. Psntagrsph Jsnnsrr n. 1922: Z8 and February J. 1922. i uw run January 6, 12, 18, I TO srinrr Master In Chancer, nf McLean Countr, til.

HERHICK A HERRICBV Farmay Ciiy, lil. Solicitors. STOUTS GROVE. Stout's Grove Community Club will meet today and the following program will be given: Instrumental Volo, Dorothy Sharp) saxaphone solo. Miss Bulah Brown; reading, Arnetta Lowdermilk; violin solo, Isabella Boso; reading.

Miss Ella Benjiman; solo, Goldalin Lowdermilk; reading, F. Benjamin piano solo, Willineta Fisher; reading, Esther Hansen cornet solo, Mancle Rei fling; recitation, Hasel Fogal; Instrumental solo, Nelda Boso. Skating is starting in th' colder states and it Is found petticoats are still being worn. Prices are- falling fast, but some shopkeepers sever read. MASONIC NOTICE, naolal ajaaUM Bha-hajtM liadam 41.

it a ntoat Una anfiUK. HTMItOD MAt'tC, flMtwtarv. 10HR BIOS 41 4. MAIN, KOOMINilTOII. IL PNONI Ml.

LEGAL. Bute of Ilnnota, Uclmn ermnty ea. la th. eownty circuit awnri to th. Peb-ruary tana.

A. D. 1022. ln ehanoary. Ml Na.

18742. To eet mUm wtn. La. B. Doner ra.

Lon Baremora, K. C. Wllllama. asenitor of tb hat will and taatAment of John Bare-more, italph Barecoor 11a Bare-mnr. and T.

p.tton, a. el the relet, of Ba. Banrnor. deceued. Th.

reqniait. affldsilt for publkmtion tatting been AM In th. offlc of th cterk at the ctmitt court of mid eonnty, and th. a bore named eoraplalnant baring herKnfor. AM her bill of complaint In tbia court on tb.

chancery aid therMif. and a ninrnii harln. Uimvo 1 evened out of said court agilnst tbaabor. named oeT.naanuh reiurnaoi. on nrwi monnay Fehmtry.

A. D. 1823, of Ua ctrcoit count cf McLean county. Now. therefor, nntle as baner glrwfl to the aboT.

named rMrn'lant, that th. anon entitled anlt la now pending la th, McLean circuit court, and that unloa, yon aha! S. ana appear peror. earn court on in. not oay of the next term thereof, to be holden at th.

court none. In Bloomlngton, county of Mr- Lean and erat of Illinois, an th flrtt Monday I or rehmarr, a. i. ip.3, and ptead. anewr or aemur to asin oili.

in. am. win o. laatu aa eonfesaarl arsinat yoa and a derre. rendered according to th.

prater tlitrenf. Dated at Bloomlngton, thia 4tB day mi Jaa-nary. A. D. 1822.

J. HTTIETt AT.T.FJt. Clark. Ht 8ATrB AT.I.EN. lTitj.

OWEN and BTOS'B, DICK A STONE, Otmplalnant'e BoHdtora, T0WANDA. Dr. Jj. McNatt mafls a bwd-neas trip to Peoria Friday. Mrs.

VI arw Cummin fall gat broka her wrist FTlflay vtnlng. Mrm. R. O. Womaek was boatcs at an afternoon social affair Tue day.

Hlaa Reba Thomaj ha gona to the county aanatorium for treatment. Mr. Chaiiee Kraft ef Norma pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Cary. Word has been recelred her to the effect that E.

Gabriel Is aerl ously 111 In Chicago. Home Bureau will hold a bakery and farm products sale at Queneel's garage Saturday afternoon. Henry Livingston and Oeorge Clark of Rantoul, spent Sunday here. George Clark formerly Ured here with his brother-in-law. Dr.

Boone. The Parent-Teacher Association will hold Its January meeting In the school assembly room this after-noon at 1 o'clock. Th senior elass of tb Presbyterian church will hold a sandwich sal Saturday evening at tba drug store, beginning at i o'clock. A number of the pupil ef th If. B.

church spent Monday evanlng at th bom of Miss Carrie Telbury. Miss Mary Vanneman was hostess and the evening was spent In games after which refreshments were served. i M'LEAN. Ide Mason 'has been suffering from rheumatism. Mrs.

Margaret McCTure, who has been ill, is able to be up. Glenn Patterson spent Sunday with his parents in Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bode ar tb parents of a son, bora Monday. Mrs.

Thomas Shepherd of Peoria, was a week end guest at the Robert Bowers home. 8. B. Klnsey Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Edith Powers, In Chicago.

Pleasant Roar Club will hold an all day meeting today at th bom of Mrs. Josephine Lawrcnc. Wapella and McLean Independent basketball teams will play ber this evening at C. H. 8.

gym. Miss Vlrgl Dlshogn ot Bloomlngton, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sullivan of Pontlac, were guests at the George Dishong home Sunday. 'Ladles' Guild held th annual family day Thursday afternoon and evening in Community Club rooms.

In the aiternoon the following officers were chosen: President, Mrs. Etta Helghtsnoe; vice-president, Mrs. Howard McFarland; secretary, Mrs. Earl Halberg; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Leach.

A sumptuous dinner hwas served at 8 P. m. to tb mem- oers ana tneir taraiuea. MEADOWS. Mrs, Joseph who submitted to an operation at a Pontlac hospital last week, Is improving.

Mrs. John C. Roszhart, who has been critically ill pleurisy. Is able to sit up a short time each day. Mr.

and Mrs. D. N. Claudon announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Naomi, to Elmer A. Vercler.

The wedding will take place February 7. Jesse Claudon, who has been a student, at Wesleyan law school, and also employed in Liberty State Bank, will return home to take the place In the Meadows bank, made vacant by the resignation of the cashier. Mrs. 8. M.

Stuckey and son Earl, spent Tuesday at Mennonlte hospital, Bloomlngton, with'-their son and brother. Homer Stuckey, who submitted to an operation for appendicitis and the drainage of gall bladder. He Is Improving satisfactorily. EA8T0N. Mrs.

Claud Street amtertalned th Music Lover's Club at her home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Heberllng and family and J. C. Stoddard of Havana, spent the week end in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs.

George Hock spent Sunday with Scott Sutton and family ot Bath. The little daughter of Mr. Sutton was seriously burned last week when her dress caught fire from a candle. Mrs. Emma Hennlnger Is entertaining Gerald Gleason of Springfield.

Mr. Gleason Is quit a clever magician and entertained the patrons of the Liberty theater after th regular show Saturday night. C00KSVILLE. Mrs. Logan McClellan Is In Colfax caring for her mother, who Is very lit.

John Weber and the shipping as- sociatlon shipped to Chicago mar- aei.juonaay nignt. Vernon Elbert Is quite sick at his home, suffering with an attack of lumbago and grip. Ed. Woldner Is attending a bankers school of instruction at Centralis for three days thl week. Mrs.

Algy Lauher spent the week end with her husband In Peoria. Mr. Lauher is In a hospital there following an operation for an infected arm which, wa injured some time ago. When the roll Is called up yonder PoUUcianji will want a reqpvnt- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (ContinrW.) 1 1021 Cight 119-1 Vali 811. 11920 Ihndg roadxtar.

1 tar land touring. 1 1010 Chevrolet touring. 1 1910 Ovprland touring. I lfllT Paif touring. 1 1918 norland touring.

1 1017 Otarland turtng. 110 IS Country Club. 11017 Ford touring. 1191, frni touriig 1 1017 Charmm 4i0. 11917 Orarland Sir tourto.

11018 Uaxwell tourtng. Thaa ear ara all geuuiua barfaina. Prlopvl 10 aIL Spadal Induccnent to winr buyatra. A. ft.

AHMlf.D. 208 K. rrouL rath. Tpths or Trade OALTOBD'S SIX BABGALNB. OaolTk Typo 87 Tourtng Oaf.

Tbla nartwla: enr la bj so.lant oondU'ru, aaulifpod with Aw oorrl tiraa, raeauUy raslu- baad. tod guarantaad, Tnurln Car Ifttl MatU I9j CfTnlptiad with an imltat ap4 of eord dira. on icn yon arp idicing for a ba1 imln In a flaynn touring ear, UUa will sure jr pteaaa you. radllla Tttw ft9 Touring Car. Berini-bed.

new cord tire, on extra, low mileage aud guarantee tn -try Chevrolet C-ip New tfraa; in gooc condition; apteudlil Btt busineaa ear for winter use. Oakland 192t Denrwiatratof; Low mfJaag. nW ear, guarantMd. MGadfltao It Trp BT Touring. RetmlH and grursnteed.

new eord tlrai a wonderful bargain. Liberal terms and your old aar take tn trad on any of tb automobile. T. OALFOHD M0T0B C0-415 N. Canter St.

101T rord tourtng. Botwh magneto; mi otor jt vvnuiuinii ifew no U) III pne IT ttTiA mnrl IDA Crnml 1 1 tt 1170. 0m1 Ov-riand tourtng; ow 'top and ra palnteo, $8.10. On Ohio aleetrie, 120. KPRINGER-ZiXPKI corner at and Douglaa St 1 new Oldsmobll tniclt.

priced right, 1 I ode couiw. 1 Buick touring. va vtv 100 E. Front fat ft FINK STOCK of Ford commercial bod'r. Panel and curtain aba. rntrl.tfr slip-on, tlie goods are offered at pry mucn mmcpfl prices; alio bargain in Buirg SU touring car. motor perfect; snap In SOftO- Kund (Jmliam Form-A-tmck. cheap'flt hanl- proportion; one small Ford truck. St'-5.

THR MARTENS-LEARY CO. B. Auto Gla Have an expert on goto tjlat of all kinda, and special low prlc end fln aerrtco on wtndabiW gUsa of any ilea gritia TRUCKS FOR 8ALE TRUCK Light Ford trnek, 1021 model; ll XtKpilr. John H. fikam.

mi e. nut. m. 1920 HKO apeerd wigon, equipped with oab and nody; A-l ronillUGn meohan-IcaIIt: bargain. TlmmotuvOlaoo Co 220 AUTO SUPPLIES AND REPAIR8 I'SKI) TIHFS and tube all daea.

CUl Uookl 814 W. Front St MAGNETO AMI fiENFrtATnil ItrPAtrllVd Be eirulpned magneto repair ahop In tb. eltr. Uannln. Boich And Atwaur Kent part, carriud la atock.

HArKETT.HARVFT COMPACT. Wnarb-Oniy Hart. Berrlca SUtlon. MAGNETO New rfoiph magneto; a bsrgiin. n.

num. n.i iu. UHEIl TIUK8 of .11 liaei: tub. and are repniring. rm-eemnf.

Loolej', Tlr, Hbon 305 flt rOK SALE Sereral Ford touring and i uww wvm bub pauik i urn aunriu Teerr To gr AUTOMOBILES WANTED FORD rcl*ter wanted: Ute model inferr.3. i Adt'rean 1. care FOHD TARS WANTRIW W. are paring biab. eet eaib nrlcea for Fordt and other good uftrd "nyJrW ear to Uad Auto Shop, 1U MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLE3 BICTCLes Two uaed blcyclea, (lltion E.

H. Ijthroeder. 313 In fin. oun-8. Main.

HOUSES FOR RENT LEE t15 4 rooma; furnlahftj or nnfumithed; adnita only. Pbon. 1H55 J. L1SIeS 1009 N. File-room realdtnc.

E. Donnelly. MONROE 819 E. Six-room raaideooai inquire pj m. aionroai COTTAOE Fnrnlihed cotug.

complete, to married couple or mother and daughter, frr board of owner. Adureaa car. PantA- 'a'h- APARTMENTS AND FLAT3 ASH apartment; BK4.W. 40K modarn. KORMAL Four-room Itou.

1172 er EAST 1805 N. Firroom Apartmant, on jtronnd floor modern. MARKET BT. 1002 W. Four or fli.

room flat; partly WON ROE r)t 4 lower fi rooma and bath, all modrm, ateara heat, toft water and garage; adult, only. 56l 802 Six rooma and laltb; trlctiv mrwlnni; h.At- Adult, only. an laiji-c. iTitlCTLr MODERN 4-room apartmant, up- inKinm nn oiocq irom aguara, hardwood fioora. eleetrl llgbta, hard and soft wster, gss cook store; water and heat fumUhed: prirat.

porch and entrance; can hare possesion on vary short notice: adult, only. Phon, 428 or 284 1-T. EAST RIIlE Sir-room apartment: rery fln. ai.rtment; 1172 or ae. H.

11. Hanson. APARTMENT Four-room apartment, on firs, floor, furnished all conrenioncea for nou-keeping. Addresa T12. care Pantagraph.

APARTMENT for nnt: strictly modern; (Ire rooma and bath; second' floor. Colonial Innniro A. F. M.Tatr BUSINES8 PLACES FOR RENT OFFICII ROOMS Two nice rooma tn Kl-ly fronting Alain street. Inqulr.

Klrk- Wtric Insutanc Agency. 801 Eddy Bldg. OFFICE SPACE fronting cn Msln street; alar ator. room, arcond floor. Paris and Jg4jM Main; phone FARMS FOR RENT FA H.

HV-pod location and excellent adieu- tares. For Intormstlon can 124D.X. FARM Small farm near Bloomlngton, IlL Address Bin 1 13, Bloomlngton IlL 240 ACRES Two mil's south of Gtllnm: i 4 miles aouthweat cf Downs. Inault. w.

Ji524jlKUSS3rR WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT Thre. or four rooms and bath, unfurnished, heated, eloa. In, a.t aid. preferred, by March 19; reliable party, adults otity; rent must b. raaAonahta.

Address i-ii. car, rsntagrspn. FARM wanted for this year; good sired and well lmprored. 8 Gardner. McLean.

III. HOUSE Eight or 10 room modern house, close ro, between now and March state dittanc from suuar. and amount of not In nm reply. r-ll. nntasTBPn.

HOL'SFl Sty foonia. modern, about February 1A: nlosly located; reasonsbl rent: may rur-rhass oft aariafsctory terms. Address F-61, Ufil'SlC Six or aeien- room preferably sidBL Address M-aa. car. Pantagraph.

10 TO 820 ACRES wanted to rent by n-fnericad farm with equipment. Otto EIGHT-BOOM house, east or northeast; vO-arrjion Octoher 1: family. ArMreaa IH2 HOUSES FOR LALE CI.ATTON 905 S. Stl-room honre. nssem*nt.

cistern; partly md.rn: new nnn. Ail: pno raaionaM. toy anut (Continued. CLINTON BLVD. Two 7 -room modern houae at reaaonabt prlcta.

Ktrapa trick Inauraux Agency, 80l Eddy Bldg. FRONT 708 B. Beautiful, new, 8-rooa, atrictly modern bungalow; lot 60 by 113; occupied to montlia; now vacant; rar cp- ftortunit to aacurf Dn. eloa la chert Morrison, 20S E. Front St FRONT Ten rooms, two a part enta orerytuing modern; doubt gars go.

liOVEY AVE 403. NORMAL By atrictly modern 0-room bouao; larg ns- Tern, garag. HO VET AVE. ft Tary tin nd thoroly mod-era 6 room bouaa garag, priced fog quick aa) at $Vn0o.

V. C. MARTIN. 80 People Bank Bldg. none jiou or oowa-au JEFFERSON SI E.

STn-room modern boua; hot water neat' bcught right i owan ioa o. paon JACKSON W. Six-roam modern booee. sy terms; white's pko. two new T-rou ooiiaae; union on ro boa, new.

Also boum T-nom all oarta ox in qu. C0WAJI LftKTv 202 Uririgsto Bldg. Phon 234, MAIN 1S02 N. Modem 8-room. Mat front; slat roof convenient to college; doubi garage; hut water heat; bargain to cli eatate; phou 702-L, Wm.

F. kVnuan, Ad- mlnintrator. Oakland. K. room a Emerson, 6 room.

$260 Bonn. 7 rooms $3200 Taylor, 6 ruoma $-700 LOUIS W. DAUEL Corn Beit Bank. WASHINGTON 700 W. Seveo-rconi houae at bargain.

914 W. Market. WILLOW NORMUL Flrw room bona with two lot; small caah payment, term on balance. O. W.

Walter. 503 S. Main. NORMAL -Why pay high rent when you can buy a good modern home by paying $3,000 down, balance 00 monthly pay enta: dote In; paved street ftddrea P. a Box 445.

Normal. Owner. NORMAL LOT ST W. SU modern, ga.uuo; pnaMeaaion at once. J.

w. Jleckethorue. Eddy Bldg; phone 1118 L. NORMAL Eight acraa; 8-room modern house, 00 fruit Um of Marin, tea. ffrapaa anl twrrlaa.

man MDarmania. ft aena taatura Snd about acraa for fmr4aa: rich id; win, good tmrmm; wmild a chaaprr propertr in tnda. Hair, K. BajlaM, 10 Smldnth Xormtl. IlL Tn I.EIIOY.

IIX Two comer lota; T-room bouse witb bAth; Mft water in kitchen; fleer well; Int. of fruit; concrete floor trap bout, or ft rage: In Ant-olaa. condition; oaah or Addreaa 803 K. Law SU, Bloominf ton, in. Urg.

lot. In Heyworth, III: ood WE HAVE tbre. modm wttagea and aerem! ind ME it room modern, honm for In north and eaet part of the city; all cohe in. lie Sumner Son, SCO Grieabeiu. )K REAL BARGAINS In modern houae, or pungaiuw, in au pan.

or ua dry, aa. na. It Llringaton Bldg. OWNEU lea ting dry. wiu aacrlflc.

bta iTncitr noma on aiaak ynone 2373 llol'Hl fumiahed e-room. home; Urge riring riom. breakfast room; overy-tluog atrictly modern; otentnffed funiHure. baHy grand piano, floor Ltmpa. every thing nertwaary to niaka a bom.

must be seen to be auureciatod: prle. 000; botiaa alon. rrsporubi. party, tagraph. tnia amount; verm, to Addrea, A-12.

ear. 1'att- FOR BALE SOTen-rootn home; partlyVmodern; lot; good repair; (1800: half oaab, predion March 1. Ramy Jobnaton. U-ccnaed Real Uta ruler. Ha una Rrt 47.

O. It Al'LT. dealer In .11 kinda of real aetato. 212 People'e Bank; offlc pbon 1U0J; reeidenc. Olly.

nuiii. modern nomea. well located arm at raaannabl. nrlcea; aleo, a few aereag. rtirxpeincc inauranc.

Agency, Bldg. 801 E.UJ FOR SALE White Flee. room, and bath. Whit, beat, garage. $97110; the Ar.

oloepUonai for this claM property. Doithie boua. eaet aid, 7 room, mm each $0000. N.

6 rooma, modem, I8TB0. ri. UArKet. rooma ana Path 197 ou. ft room, and bath, garage, larg.

tot, fruit, MOOO. Alai At 408 Unity Bid. Phon. SB7J. HOIIHRB of all aisee and kinda tn aU nana of city; all kiuda of insurance written, fne-tigan ft Otto.

118 Waahingtoa Bt. phone 2048. i INVESTIGATI5 THIS. rrtra good bargain: modern hone. aful- oerry; Biar.

root, mrge ioc, uonoi. owner learlng city. Homey 4 Harrtion, HOUSK Owner wanta to tell 10 -room hip. modern; fln, large croner lot adjoining e-levan unirenity, ftddrea Box 1. Heywo-iU.

l)ltnols. CITY PROHKRTY Normal and Bloomtngtrn realdtncea. tmirineu hnildlnn and lota, Georte A.gan. 60D Peeplea Bank phon -Fly mrtma mrwim nnnnmlwit ec ou car un. raoBei: nn -ia.

F. A. TATE, dealer In all kinda of real aa'a'e, ilj nu oujee puon CI-QSK IN 14 -room modern fanwe. In 5ne condition; fwesent Income about $125 a month double garage: liberal term; good reason for aeUlng; splendid iooation. lien Sumner ft Son 520 ftrieahcfm Bldg.

ftPHB TRACT, well ImDmred, In Sayhroot (ieorce A. Egan, 609. People Bank BEE ME to buy. sell or rhang. fW.

Heckothom*o. Eddy Bldg. pbon. Ill SU FOR 8AI.E Modern brlrk reneer rr aide-ire, new; immediate uosseaeion. must arlL John Goodwin.

Koimal. LOTS FOR SALE Washington st bo.i w. wui laaa. cn long tlm. leas, lot 3011 zu feet: noon i l.

u. rtytmrn. Trusts. OWN YOUR OWN HOME In a bom. planned by yourself and wife, for the happtneat of yttir entlro family; you will lit.

bstter, work better and feel bettor: enn help you: write, or ae. me: phon. 8874: 1208 B. Hmadway Normst B. H.

Kohn AV Sons. LOT8 Fo. asle. three dealnbl. building loto st $3,10 each, two At $450 each: on.

corner let, 75-foot frontage, paeefnnt and cacoent wall on two sides, all asseramerita paid, at an at-tractir. price for thirty day. A. i. Gfarra, 804 Millet Bt, BU8INESS PROPERTY FOR SALE Business building for sale, within TW block court bout, Geo.

A. Etna. 808 Wso- DWi Rsnk da. nhon. 22UB.

B1SINESS on Mai St, Egan. 808 Peeplea Bank. 6. A. FARM LANDS FOR SALE Illinois TWO FARMS for sal.

at pre-war price; eastr impniTeiiMnia. -goou aim, iciw, near ShelbyrUK 143 acres, near lke- wiMm, per sio aorsa. near m. general arnasni andiae; BOOU IronroTMnenta; good land; 8178 par acre. Writ.

William Ruff. HI. THIS IS A REAL FARM. On. af tba best and most highly lanpmisd farma la AfcLean countj; 22.

aera; sooated 8 mtlos from Bloomlngton. TATE Ac BOND. 408 rnlty Bldg. 7 ACRES with 8-room borjs. and barn for aala by nou-realdent.

situated rail, aoutb Cnlon Nation at first railroad croaalng; Las railroad iruatng. of about 1.000 feet west aid. of C. as A. good land and factory sit.

Address Herman T. AleTer. 8U4 t. Ravner Jolict. Ill ISO-ACRE farm.

8 miles southeast of Inaton. 1 miles northeast of Downs: new bona, barn; possession Msrch 1. 400-acr. atock and grain farm. miles east of Clinton, lto miles north of Lain: fair bona, bono barn, larg.

rattie and bay will exchange for smaller grain farm. 8A acre. Umber land, lrf mllea weat of Rloom- Ington. 1 mile r.orth of Lilly: a bsrgsln. sere, on vnirariiry between BlooBington snd Normal: 1 block from car line; Wilber M.

Carter. First Nstion.1 Bank Bldg, IMPROVED central Ulinoie fann 80crM and tin netunm I- tarlo and Ulisoi, ecrn fa Sao, iidgo na uuooia Born rarma. ev, I'mAAS. MATTIE MARIDA FUNERAL is held at Wapella, Jan. IS.

(BpeclaLl Miss Mattl Marlda. ag lj yearT died at th tuberculosis sanatorium at Springfield on Saturday mornin, of tuberculosis. She was th ter of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Marlda.

Her remains were brought home Saturday evening and funeral Mrr. Icea war held from th Christian church Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock with Rev. Charles Lindsay offlciat. Ing. Interment In Wapella Xions Point cemetery.

Mrs. T. F. Oreene la esflntd her bad with sicknaes. Bora to Mr.

and Mrs. Osja oa Monday retiing, a son. Torest lodg took la three Bw members last week by motion. Monday morning th Uapors. tur fell to 10 degree below zero, Mrs.

Llzzl McAnely, son an daughter, moved to Bloomlngton Monday. Mrs. Ralph Broadhad ef ror, rest is visiting witb Mr. and Mrs, T. F.

Greene. Mrs. Emm Oreene and son, Charles of Clinton, visited with Mr. M. E.

Turner Monday. Th publlo sal of J. W. Jordan was well attended and stock of all kinds sold well. Farm machinery also brought good price.

A number ef member ef For. rest lodg attended th district I. 0, O. F. meeting at Clinton on Tuta.

day. Th officers for lit! are, praal. dent. J. F.

Stuart, of 1ST, Kennay; secretary, Charles M. Beott, ot 88. Clinton; treasurer, A. D. MaU, of 255, Wapella.

Speeches were mads by H. M. Blood. P. M.

J. Elkea, O. secretary; J. D. Philips, q.

warden and eaveraj others. Two hundred wer present and all enjoyed a fine tlm. FRANK L. SMITH TO DWIGHT WOMAN'S CLUB, Cot Frank L. Smith addressed the Dwlght Woman' club January tt In the home of Mrs.

C. J. Ahern. Smith spoke on "Good Govern, ment" Mrs. Vane Roeder tan; a group of three songs.

Selections on th piano also featured by out of town talent. Th club will meet next week with Mrs. H. Oughten, Nino K. of mam bar from Pontlae played nln members from tb Dwight Council K.

of Wed. neaday evening in th K. of C. clus rooms. was th game, Dwight kept th honors, th final cor being 1 to 7L The Dwight Literary Circle net Tuesday night In th hem of Mrs.

B. Seabert. Th affair was an open Old fashioned games were played sponsored by the committee consisting of Mrs. Edward Fernuson. Mrs.

C. H. Thompson and Mrs. J. T.

Seabert. Twenty member war present- Th Missionary Society of the Congregational church win meat Thursday afternoon In th home of Mr. Leslie Orr; Mrs. Mabel Seymour and Miss Ida Schroeder will be hostesse Mrs. Raymond Wright will open th meeting with devotional exercises.

Mrs. Elll Babe win read a paper on India. Mrs. Clarence Clover will read Missionary Current Event and refreshment will he served. ROBERTS.

Orville Havener return ad Chicago Sunday after a week's visit with home folks. Mr. and Mr. O.X Roberts left Friday to visit their daughter and family, Mrs. J.

W. Buzlck at Jones-boro. Ark. Clara Rosens, th 1 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Saus. died Monday evening after a very-short illness of pneumonia. Funeral will be held Thursday. Mary Ellin, the 1 year old daughter cf Mr. and Mrs.

Everet Oles, died Thursday morning from the after effects of tonsilltl and was buried In Lyman cemetery Friday. Clev Thurston, th local butcher and ice man. Is putting up Ice from th til Pit The Ice Is over six lnche thick and of very good quality. Th Knight of Pythtas and Pythian Sisiter held a Joint laUon Friday evening after whlcn luncheon was served and the rest of the evening spent In dancing. A very enjoyable time wa reported.

Lester Hertel of this place arid Mis Stella Melbter of BiKesville, Ind, were married at that place last Tuesday. The groom's mother, Mrs. A. Hertel and cousin, Orvllls Havener, wer present from here. Tne young couple expects to reside in Batesvllle wer Mr.

Hertzel will go Into business. BUCK'S. Buck' Community Club held regular meeting and a variety shower Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Norland Hougham at th horn of Mrs. E.

L. Hougham. Ther was a large crowd present. A pumpmn ir ocii Batrby ceived first prize and Miss Fforanos atiiioi. umnii Tha n.xt meeting will be February 1 with Mrs.

Oscar Halsey. We have exported over four Uf as much wheat as we did In 19H-" twice as much as last yenr our reserve are lower than have been for years, the government report show a reduced acreage U. S. of 20 per cent, nnd report" winter wheat in general in ruther bad condition, and In the face of this, wheat declines. What has happened to the laws of aupply and demand? I call It Wateoo.

Piatt, county farm ad" ylser, I nj nn i nig htp. a Di'a ry mim. cuy- at kltrhsn rhsin. rrvkinf obilr. war'lrmv anj pTrroat rhona ntt0-J.

OAK rilvparr tW. moan ultp, flO'vr, ruga, gprlitga aud mattiwa. GAM UiireL fi.r 1p. sul otp: rre co*k nt -re. on hot hlaat btT.

wirrt Masi'ii sr. ynt.rt i u. lUirSKHOT.Ii Icr twf dya only Januarv i'1 ar1 J7, nra 1 to 4 r. m. 1413 ritntnn Bird.

VR HAVE Vm rn hanl a faw htatpr whiob ar mrl l. to na out: If vnu ara In tha Trjirkpt ff a nw or ufd hp ting tn or ranfp. it win rz yH mil nere. MILLEn ft CX ITRMTIRK VO. gl.t 8, Cantor 8t ah or Cmflt 8TXTKKN aprtinn Globa-Wamirkw atdonal Snuka witb four toiw and b3aa, w.Jl in uni of four or aU tofoCbp If lm-pTidca.

12330. PRAPTirAlJ-T new fnrritur for thra room; th ropier tapptry living rooai aait, tpu-ri dining rn apt, Anna tTl; flTf-iW waiitnt h1 room aH; ar luring fwn and wiUing to aacriflcat Pbone 4J: 141Y. ufBINATH'N and dek, gMpO oak. 104 Sort nnl phnn BB.IN-U VKD HJItNiTl RE. takan In mrt ptctirr tfr new givnia our n-idiaiifra deirtnint; all rphabla goals.

anl )n aM rnspa hpttpr fitn rhap nw fnrTtHirr; Q'iartrM oak bufet. two tp, $J2 TiO aid 3ft fiO. grM aim; a trnw-n tWp. $4 Rft (qmra ton) ok rumblnati bok'9a, $10; tari pf fir rntiips, S.i.1 it. ENSEN' EXCHANGE BAWKMENT.

WEST HTOB SQPAHE. 8PEIAL ruiNA RALE Cm. aaarp-. rlstpa. TpgrtaM diSp bnwU and ctnrr ifihp: if yoq ira in ned of any dUhp It wlO ra VrMi tn mil I UIUm JL "nr rumitr 21 0.

Canter SU, out "of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS COIXMBIA -honoraih and cmMnet a 1b. oat new. big bargain at $24.60. ill or it Cox. 21ii S.

Canrer St. PLAYER-PIANO My aquity In a Wan-grade Slayar-piano at bargain- baiane as a paid 1 atr-ftll payment. I', 0. Dot 47 Blooming- Ill. riaATEf-PIANO for sale; Bft roTIa of music and bench; can bonght fir balanfa duo t.n jp lirmy.

Ca bi Piano 4 2fl N. .1 In. PIANOS (or bale; Kav som reil bar-gina in inanoa, price rannmg from $0 up to $2n; fold on easy terms. Cabl Piano 4L N. Main, TALKING MACHINES for larg cabinet talking machirw and CO ee-leetion of your own choice; mint be' sold at once; ask for Mr.

Ward. Cabl Fiano 429 N. Main. FINE VIOLIN SnitabV for ennreit cr nrchea- ira wnn. reu 1.

AnTon; prion jauu. 1 i(ME GOOD HARUATN in med pianoa we hsv taken in exrliange that inut apkl ua room it i' aiof i rommg uk JANS EN A it Ofil Piano Pnrlnra. 21ft E. Fmnt St OFFICE SUPPLIES AOIHNG MACHINES fcr -pnt. Bloomingrm yptwrtter fiol N.

Maijj CASH KEGfSTKR National, nn-o'aa cc ditinn. photia IiETTEK I Shi Walker! iour-dr weT, oak. fnllowpr blocks, roller drawers eouipbHe, Griffin ft MarquU, 813 N. Main. TYPEWRITER DESKS 23 golden oak tl'iytkm row of flv drawers; tiiew make vmdfrfui stn.Ienta' UVa: nrtc $12.50.

Sterna, N. Jiain ftu TVMr'U IMTmtl I a(a mru4ala Tlumtnfftona nerTfrt Work ntrkel mn and enn mrt ner- frct, $0 to $.10. Paxtoo rTypewrtwr TYPEWRITERS for sale or rant; bargain used and rehut machlnpe, Blonmlngt'a TynewTiter N. Main; pbon13I-K. TENTS AND AWNINGS TENTS, awuloga, paullna, coven; aalo taut for rant.

TfTR SHAW 41H R. Center St. Pborj tfllfll COAL, WOOD AND FEED FEED For hay. (or 1, oat straw, mldd'Inia, bran, olimeal and PiHuh Cboww, are 8. Gender.

M0 K. OJre at; phun 181S-X, r-i'(pnce 2H74-L. BUILDING MATERIAL OAK VtSKmC. at haPaaln rceT MS jn-yi nTll mil" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE Blftunington; tsiToioa about durg good buMuestt Addrtia R-55. care Pantagrapii.

"HOTEL Oniy on in city of 21 moms; up-to-dat and modem; a money miner; pne ocmpifTw e.uou; woo in con-aider midenr In Rioominton or Iiecatur, uma cash, sum time. foe aeili'itr. other Addreaa 11, car Panta- ariv. MILLINERY BUSINESS in good central 11 11 mils tt.wn, poiHilaUon 23O0; beat build trig and location lit Un price Tveaonable. Ad- urf-w, car raumgrann, JiKHTAl ItANT in Bloi.minginn for aale.

making a good pn-flt; weil Jucated; an old ea'b-lixhed hufnraa; a bargain. J. 1C Nithaui, f2S Grifubeim Rldg. phun 235. GOOD MERCANTILE bifetneas for'aala.

well located in Bloomingtnn: guod sons for celling. For further Information aUdrpa WlU A. MiUar, 1211 Oakland Bloomubg-ton. SMALL, clean stock of groceries. Iauel ft Co.

Louie W. SPLENDID busineaa opening In R'c iro'nflon, due to death of mariagnr and half owner. S3MMILMWlij POULTRY AND SUPPLIES BABY CHICKS Twelve leading strain; from heavy laying hens; hUhest Quality, lowest pritea; catalog frc. Millar Uatcbery, Hcy- wfirth. 111.

BI IT ORPINGTONS Good utility co*ckerels. $3 and excel lMit trapneat teatad ben fork breeding pen. $2.10. Barber 0ft Floreno Normal CHIC KEN 2 pure-bmi W. C.

Rhode In'nd Red corkPTvla, pulleta and laying ben at auction Monday, January 30: ae display adon aala pge. Charlea Simnaon, t'jlCKERKIA Choice Barred PUmculh Rocks fram beL nedikfrM. hred-ti-Uv iir.a comb Brown Igrmrns. Ever-Lay ttrain. CUrlp Eaton.

Mackinaw, ill. I KERfXS Aidrlrh and Morri atraln Wbit Orpingtona, lin bred; these strains ar tmted for both and laying; ahility pric 3 $.1. J. G. Muffiey.

Hhli I'in-C'tCKEHELS Singl enmb Whit Leghorn. $3 to each. Got Najaoo, IL Uudsoo, CJM KKHKI.S Choio rose enmb Rhod Island-1 neu oortfreaS, nprague auin. eacii. faoi Funk.

Khirlar. III. A tfw aingl comb Bh-J Inland Hd eockertl from extra heavy layeca, Lall 1 ftQ-X. VtH'K Kit KL8 Choir Light Brahmaa, re-rrrd 3 each. Edwin Stern.

ookavllle, Ht COi'RERl-u Choice C. Buff una; la fit botitd. solid puffs, heary virg train. $3 and IS each. B.

E. Bpeera ft hi. ooasTme, ul co*ckER KL8 Barred Rock. irbred. Thorn fTn rtrsfn, from good layers, $2.

ftlbett jvumei. gerr.11.- ill. C(MLKEItKI-8 Lane roa comb Bbode lnlnA "mi TOcsereia, up. ra, iien utj, tJroy! KRFL8 S. C.

Whit Orpington- eaw ror iiatctimg; lfto tno of Partridt WyAn lurph la non. Mahomet, lit UMhKKKiji Purvbn1 White Orptifton. II f.O mtJi 15 riTetM. Wm lt.rla- A nes, 111. 42-U t-tMKEREI ftinai xmb Bull Ornlnoton large bone, early hatch; phoa 6617.

C. CiiTKKRKLB Barred Rocks. Parka, th fam- ous laying at rain; large, riguroua bird with i -fiuiui meraing. ana earn. nr.a in.

i Jan vara, in. co*ckEREI B. I. Reds. Hrranton tvram goon en kit dtmi to Wpisu aitd Wra.

Waiter Engal. ItanTcrs. 111.. Rout 2. CtMTvKftA A few ftw' (tnMr IVand Reds, vr'T(i r.omra: two iuvt ana nte aoiiara.

a vn n. i wrioan. Ot KRRJvLS-Aarran a single r- rub White lgboma, $2 up. Bert UcBejcoUa, WUIUt. us..

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.