Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (2024)

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Written By Skinny Beets LLC

Makes: 8-12 rolls

Takes: 30 minutes plus rising time

Skill: Basic/Intermediate

Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (5)

Have you ever made your own gluten free dinner rolls? When they come out of the oven, they are so tempting and fluffy, warm and delicious. These gluten free dinner rolls are sure to impress any company you have round, or you can keep them all to you and your family for the perfect dinner bread. As with all breads, baking these will fill your home with the best bready scents, make your family and your tastebuds very happy, and it’s all gluten free and totally celiac safe.

These rolls are sweet, fluffy and springy with just the right amount of moistness. They freeze well and make fun slider buns too!

Why make gluten free dinner rolls

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It gives bread its elasticity and helps it rise. While gluten is harmless for most people, it can be an extreme concern for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. This can result in various symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and even nutrient deficiencies as well as other health conditions that come hand in hand with any autoimmune disease. For individuals with celiac disease, consuming gluten can have serious short and long-term health consequences.

Even for those without celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or IBS can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, and digestive issues. Many people find relief from these symptoms by following a gluten-free diet. Omitting gluten from your diet might seem like an extreme step at first, but with a few basic recipes, you’ll find it delicious and highly rewarding.

We chose to make our own bread in particular because gluten free breads (and snacks) come not only with a high price tag, but often are filled with insane additives that can have adverse health effects in those with sensitive guts. Things like palm oil, high fructose corn syrup and preservatives are often used to keep the cost of production down and keep the shelf life long. While the bread might be gluten free, it’s still not going to be very good for you. Nor does it always taste very nice. We’ve found store-bought gluten free bakery goods to be dry and bland, even when over-sugared.

Our home made breads just taste heavenly and yours can too!

Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (6)

The benefits of gluten free bread

Gluten-free bread offers a wide range of benefits for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. By replacing wheat flour with alternative grains such as rice, almond, or tapioca flour, gluten-free bread allows individuals to enjoy bread without triggering adverse reactions.

Gluten free bread is not only a necessity for some; it can also be a delightful culinary experience. The diverse range of ingredients used in gluten-free bread recipes creates unique and flavorful loaves that can rival traditional wheat bread in taste and texture. From hearty multigrain to soft and fluffy white bread, the gluten-free options are endless. While it may take some time to master the art of making fresh gluten free loaves, it is so worth the time because nothing compares to a fresh home baked gluten free loaf of bread or gluten free dinner rolls.

Embracing a gluten-free lifestyle doesn't mean giving up on bread or compromising on taste. With gluten free bread, you can nourish your body while savoring delicious flavors. Get ready to embark on a gluten-free journey and discover a world of health and deliciousness!

Adopting a gluten-free lifestyle can have numerous benefits for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Relief from digestive symptoms: By eliminating gluten from the diet, individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease can experience relief from symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

2. Improved nutrient absorption: For individuals with celiac disease, the damage to the small intestine can hinder nutrient absorption. Following a gluten-free diet allows the intestine to heal and improves the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals.

3. Weight management: Going gluten-free can also aid in weight management. Gluten-free diets often lead to a reduction in processed foods and an increase in whole, unprocessed foods, which can contribute to weight loss and improved overall health.

4. Increased energy levels: Many people report increased energy levels and improved overall well-being after going gluten-free. This may be due to better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (7)

Ingredients in our Gluten Free Dinner Rolls

Gluten free flours: The main flour is a basic gluten free baking flour and our favorite brand is King Arthur’s Measure for Measure gluten free flour (affiliate link) because it always gives us consistently good results. It has xanthan gum in the mix already, so if you’re not using a gluten free flour that already has this, you can add 1/4 tsp to your mixture. To this gluten free flour base, we add tapioca flour and psyllium husk powder for structure.

If it doesn’t already have Xanthan gum in the mix, you can add a 1/4 tsp to your mixture.

Tapioca flour is an extra flour added into this gluten free bread dough. Tapioca flour is made from the root of the cassava root and adds a chewy, thick texture to bread mixes and also sauces. It’s also the main ingredient in boba (the milk tea boba balls or pearls) and also tapioca pudding. If you don’t yet have tapioca flour in your kitchen, don’t hesitate to add it now! We order ours directly from Amazon (affiliate link) HERE. You can read more about tapioca and its health benefits on this article by Healthline.

Psyllium husk powder is an excellent secret weapon in gluten free baking that will take your breads to the next level. It’s not the same as Xanthan gum, and the two will work well together to create a more authentic traditional bread texture and structure. It has a high amount of fiber and it also just happens to work excellently in helping gluten free bread dough to proof and double in size, and adds structure to the loaf.

It binds moisture together, allowing for a gelling formation, increasing viscosity which is what the loaf needs to have a good structure. This is possible with Psyllium husk powder because it is a hydrocolloid (that’s the property of binding surrounding moisture to create a gel). This viscosity allows the gluten free dough to be kneaded and stretched in a similar way to gluten in a traditional bread dough (but without the nasty gluten). It won’t be as stretchy by any means as gluten-containing dough but it certainly makes a huge difference to the dough and final baked bread.

You can read more about psyllium husk powder HERE.

The eggs give the dough that. beautiful golden color, but if you’re vegan or egg-free, this recipe can absolutely work with an egg replacer. Our favorite egg replacer is simply one tablespoon of ground flaxseed meal and 3 tablespoons of water for each egg to be replaced (let the mixture sit for 5 minutes before using).

Sweetener - We swap out traditional refined sugar for low FODMAP and delicious pure maple syrup. Real maple syrup is more than just a sweet treat. Packed with essential minerals like manganese, zinc, and calcium, it provides a natural source of nutrients that can support overall health and wellbeing. Not only that, but it also contains antioxidants that help fight inflammation and protect against cell damage.

Aside from its nutritional value, maple syrup has been linked to other health benefits as well. Some studies suggest that its compounds may have anti-cancer properties, support heart health, and even improve digestion. Plus, it's a healthier alternative to refined sugar, with a lower glycemic index. You can read more about the goodness of pure maple syrup in our article HERE.

Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (8)

Applesauce - Applesauce is one of the secret ingredients to good gluten free baked goods. It helps keep the bread moist as well as adding a bit of extra texture and softness.

Almond milk - Traditional milk can be used in place of almond milk, but we prefer this this way every time. The almond milk, like the applesauce adds some moisture and softens the gluten free grains.

Apple cider vinegar- ACV adds an excellent flavor to this bread as well as keeping them soft. It gives a slightly sourdough-y taste, which makes these dinner rolls really stand out.

Yeast - This is a yeasted bread and yeast is really the star of the show! It helps create the air bubbles that make bread soft and fluffy and also adds flavor.

As always, do please always check your ingredients to make sure they are truly gluten free. If you’re having difficulty sourcing quality certified gluten free flours or foodstuffs from your local grocer, be sure to check out our curated links in our SHOP GLUTEN FREE pages.

Are you ready to get baking? Let’s start!

You Will Need:

  • 2 cups gluten free baking flour (we use King Arthur’s Measure for Measure)

  • 1/4 cup tapioca flour

  • 1 tsp psyllium husk powder

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

  • 2 eggs (or egg replacer)

  • 1 packet dry active yeast (1 tablespoon)

  • 1/2 cup applesauce

  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup

  • 1/4 cup almond milk (or milk of your choice)


  • 1 tbsp melted butter

  • 1 tbsp almond milk (or milk of your choice)


  • First, warm the water to bath temperature and add the dry active yeast. Set it aside and allow it to wake up (activate).

  • Now add the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl, give them a mix (slowly and by hand at this point because the tapioca flour likes to float off into the air when using an electric mixer if it’s dry).

  • soften the butter and beat in two eggs, then add the maple syrup, applesauce and yeast and water mixture. Mix well, then make a well in the dry ingredients and incorporate them together using an electric mixer with a dough hook. If you’re mixing by hand, start off with a fork, then move onto a wooden spoon and get ready for an arm workout.

  • Once the dough has come together and it’s ingredients well incorporated, let it rest, loosely covered for about 25 minutes. *note, it will be sticky and more like a cake mixture at this point.

Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (9)

  • Add some additional flour to a workspace where you’ll be rolling out your dough, then dump out the dough onto the floured surface. Divide the dough into 16-24 equal pieces (depending on how many individual breads you want) and, using the extra flour as needed, roll and shape each piece into a ball.

  • Next, get your baking pan ready by greasing the base and sides, then place the dough balls inside. You can use a pie pan or a rectangular pan. Place each roll next to the other, but not too snug as they will be increasing in size as they rise again.

  • Cover lightly with cling film and allow to rise for 45 minutes to an hour. Or, until double in size.

  • Prepare the brush while the oven preheats to 350F. If you want to use an egg wash for a glossy look, you can whip up an egg white and glaze that way. Otherwise, the melted butter and milk will be fine (and taste better too).

  • Glaze or brush the tops of all the tiny rolls you can access and put uncovered in the oven.

  • Bake for 20-24.

Allow the bread to cool on a rack, still stuck together before serving.

Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (10)



If the dough isn’t rising it could be that your water temperature was too high and it killed off the active yeast, the yeast is expired or that the room it’s rising in is too cold. Always make sure your dry active yeast is in date, and if you’re not good at testing the temperature by hand, you can always use a kitchen thermometer. The yeast will begin to die off if the temperature is 120F or above. It should be at least warm to touch, any cooler and it will take longer for the yeast to activate. You should see the yeast wake up and froth before it’s added to the mixture.

Raising times do vary depending on the temperature of the room. 75F - 78F is the ideal sweet spot for bread to rise and develop the best flavor. It will rise faster in warmer conditions and much slower in cooler. If it’s chilly, consider putting the heating on, or finding the warmest spot in your house (as long as it will be safe from pets and children). If you are unable to increase the temperature for the rising dough, you may need to just be patient and wait longer.

Over-mixing - this is a common mistake! Gluten free flours aren’t as strong as traditional wheat flours and can easily be damaged by over-mixing. Be gentle when you mix your ingredients and never go for a second round of kneading (something bread maker machine manufacturer’s haven’t yet figured out for their machines). Give your dough a thorough mix once with a dough hook or a wooden spoon but don’t do a traditional knead. Let it rise and don’t attempt to mix a second time as this will destroy your rise.

High altitude baking can be tricky. Anything over 3,000 ft above sea level and your yeast will rise faster, but will also result in a much drier loaf. Increase the temperature of your oven by 15-20 degrees F to help keep the moisture in while baking. If you’re living in a high altitude area, do consider asking your community for their baking tips and go online for more suggestions. It can be tricky to find your unique baking techniques for your particular altitude but it’s worth the time it takes.

What do you prefer to serve with your dinner rolls? We can’t decide!

Editor’s note: We aim to make delicious gluten free recipes, but we’re also catering to those who have additional health needs. Those who have celiac, also often suffer from lactose intolerance (we found out the hard way!) which is why our ingredients are usually milk-free. Sensitive guts have a hard time with traditional sweeteners and rich butter, which is why again, we swap these out for a healthier alternative. If you want to know more about celiac disease, you can visit these amazing websites which have helped our family immeasurably. Beyond Celiac has some amazing resources that we go back to often and is our resource for new and old celiac research. They are both working hard to find a cure to celiac disease and have some great additional links. Also, speak to you doctor if you think you might have celiac disease or something similar.

gluten free artisanal breadgluten free dinner rollsgluten free rollsbread rollsgluten free bakingSkinny BeetsSkinny Beets Gluten Free

Skinny Beets LLC

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Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls Recipe — Skinny Beets - Gluten Free and Vegetarian Cooking (2024)
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