Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (2024)

by Adam Acar, PhD | Geisha

The main differences between Maiko and geisha (geiko) are age, appearance, and skills.

Maiko is usually younger than20, wears a more colourful kimono with a red collar, and lacks conversation skills. Maiko means "dancing child, " referring to apprentice geishastill training. Maiko has to live in the geisha lodging house (okiya) withtheir mother (okami-san) for 5 years. Maiko is not allowed to have a cell phone, carry money, or have a boyfriend.

Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (1) Maiko on the left and ageiko(geisha) on the right,Kyotoflower tourism

What is a Maiko?

"Maiko are the apprentice geishastill training to perfect their cultural and entertainment skills. Maiko’s outfits are more eye-catching to divert attention from the lack of knowledge and experience. Geisha’s fashion is usually more mature and subtle. Maiko must live in the “mother” 's house and depend on the little stipend she receives from the geisha house. Onthe other hand, Geisha are more independent and live in separate houses in the geisha neighbourhoods. The images below allow you to distinguish between geisha and maiko". (Source: Geisha by Liza Dalby)

What is a Geisha (Geiko)?

Geisha are professional artists registered inofficial geisha associations who excel in traditional Japanese arts and crafts such as shamisen playing, dancing, and tea ceremony.Geikois the word that refers to geisha in the Kyoto dialect.Broma-Smenda (2014) definesit as "Geisha (geigi or geiko) is a traditional Japanese female entertainer whose skills include various arts like dancing, singing, and playing music. Geishas as male companions at banquets were specialized only in traditional Japanese arts incontrast to courtesans (yujô). Read the origins of geisha, geiko and Maiko history here.

What are the differences between a maiko and ageiko (geisha)?

The table below demonstrates the differences between Maiko and geisha (geiko). Below the table, you will find detailed illustrations and textual explanations. If you have any questions, you can email Maikoya or join one of our maiko and geisha experiences in Kyoto.

Geisha vs. Maiko

Geisha = GeikoMaiko
Gei (arts) sha (person)Mai (dance) ko (young person)
Master in traditional arts can have a sophisticated conversationStill training, talks less
Older than 20Between 15 ~ 20
Not colourfulColourful
Completely white faceThere is little space between the hairline and the white powdered skin
Both lips are redOnly the lower lip is red
Red around the eyes but lessRed around the eyes
No pink blush around the cheeksPink blush around the cheeks
WigNatural Hair
Different hairstyles with fewer hair ornamentsWare shinobu hairstyle (split peach and sides are also emphasized) with flowers and hairpins
Hairpins (kanzashi) are more straightforward and shorter.Hairpins (kanzashi) are more elaborate. Maiko wears long flowerlike hairpins during the first year.
Simpler kimono with simpler coloursBrightly coloured long sleeve kimono
The collars are whiteThe back of the neck shows the inside of the kimono, usually red and white.
The obi (belt) is shorterThe obi (belt) is long and colourful
Zori (low sandals)Okobo (high sandals)

Maiko vs. Geisha

Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (2) Maiko Geisha Geiko Differences FRONT

Meaning of the words MaikoandGeisha

Geisha means the person of arts, and Maiko means the child who dances. The word gei in geisha and gei-ko refers to performing arts. Sha andko pretty much have the same meaning in this context: which means a person. Mai means "dance" in Japanese, and -ko in this context refers to a child.

Conversational skills

Since Maiko is still training, she speaks less and usually nods or smiles during a conversation. On the other hand, Geiko is an expert in initiating and maintaining a conversation. Geisha would know what conversations make patrons calm, relaxed, or happy.

Cultural skills

Maiko would attend the dance school every day and practice shamisen playing until she was perfect. Geiko is a professional who can dance, play shamisen, and perform tea ceremonies. The training takes so long because the geisha dance to different themes and songs almost every month as seasons and festivals pass by. In Kyoto, each geisha district specializes in other musical instruments and tea ceremony styles. So, it is not true that all geisha could play any instrument.


Maiko is between the ages of 15 and 20, while the geiko is older than 20. In the past, little girls used to be sold to Okiya at the age of 7; since this is now illegal in Japan, many girls enter the Okiya after they complete the mandatory national education requirement, which is junior high school. Even though the typical maiko training is 3~5 years, sometimes the maiko stage can last 7-8 years. So there are Maiko in Kyoto who are older than 20. Readers should note that Maiko only exists in Kyoto; there is no such thing asthe maiko stage in the other geisha districts.

The traces of young girls' becoming Maiko can still be seen in the outfits of Maiko today. For instance,Maiko usually wears a sash that shows a huge crest of the okiya they belong to. Mark is huge because, in the past, these little girls used to get lost, and people could have brought them back to the houses they belonged to by recognizing the crest.

Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (3) Maiko Geisha Geiko Differences BACK


Geiko usually has simple, elegant, and sophisticated looks reflecting maturity and wisdom. Maiko's outfit is colourful and vibrant, showing her youth and purity.

White Powder on the face

First of all, contrary to the common belief,neither geiko nor Maiko wear white makeup all the time; however, when they do, there are differences. Geiko would have a completely white face, while Maiko has a little space between the hairline and white powdered skin. Geiko and Maiko put on white makeup to be seen clearly in the dark room, as there was no electricity in the past.


Geiko colours both of her lips red while Maiko, especially junior Maiko, only the lower lip red. Senior and junior Maiko have different lip makeup patterns.

Red around the eyes

Maiko have distinctive red makeup around the eyes, while this redness is less emphasized for geiko. The red makeup around the eyes is often tied to the kabuki tradition, which often uses white, red, and black colours to be visible to the audience members who may be watching from a distance.

Pink Blush

Maiko has some pink blush, while the geiko doesn't. The idea is that Maiko always looks young and pure.


Maiko, don't wear a wig. They have to have their hair styled, which costs time and money. Maiko often sleep on a piece of wood (takamakura) at night to keep their hairstyle for a few days. Geiko wears wigs as the styling usually damages the hair over time, and ageing makes it a bit oily and challenging to maintain.

Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (4) Maiko Geisha Geiko Differences HAIRSTYLES

Hair Styles

The hairstyle is one of the most significant differences between a maiko and a geiko. As clearly visible in the illustrations, the Maiko has thewareshinobu hairstyle while the geiko has the shimada hairstyle. Senior and junior Maiko have different hairstyles.Maiko wears colourful hair ornaments with flower motifs, which change every month. Geiko does not wear hair ornaments except a simple comb.


Maiko wears silver dangling metal hairpins called bira. Geiko usually doesn't wear hairpins or uses straightforward ones.


The images show that Maiko wears a colourful, usually flower-decorated, kimono with long sleeves, while Geiko wears a simple kimono with short sleeves. The innerwear of Maiko and geiko are also different, as illustrated above. To emphasize the young age and purity of the Maiko, the chest of the Maiko is generally suppressed. Both Maiko and geiko wear expensive silk kimonos that are always tailor-made and not sold in stores.
One of the main differences between Maiko and geiko is the collar colour they wear. Maiko wears a red collar, and Geiko wears a white collar.That is why, when amaiko becomes a professional geiko,they use the term "turning the collar." ReadMoreabout the kimono of Maiko and geisha.

Sash (Obi)

Maiko wears a long silk sash that is 5~7 meters long. Geiko wears a simple short belt. Maiko's outfit can be as heavy as 15 kilos in the winter with the long strap, the complicated innerwear, and the jacket.


Maiko wears tall sandals called kobo, and Geiko wears short sandals called zori. Maiko's sandals usually have a bellthat sounds when they move. Although the sounds of these little bellsmay make them look childish, this is called the sound of Kyoto streets among the locals.
“When the new Maiko makes a mistake, she may be surprised, then ashamed, to find that her older sister will apologize to others. She learns.” ― Liza Dalby (Geisha, 25th Anniversary Edition)

Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (5) Maiko Geisha Geiko Differences at Maikoya Geisha Museum

Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (6) Maiko Geiko Geisha Hairstyles from back Geisha Museum

Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (7) Maiko Geiko Geisha Back Geisha Museum

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How to Become a Geisha?

To become a geisha, the first step is to apply and be accepted into an okiya, where one can undergo training as a maiko before becoming a geisha. Traditionally, geisha are women of Japanese origin, although it is still possible, just not typical, for foreigners to be accepted for training.

How do Geisha sleep?

Maiko would often be trained to sleep using a Takamura as a pillow to maintain their hairstyle. While geiko or geisha would sometimes do the same, some opt to use a wig because the hairstyle often damages the natural hair over time.

Howdo Ihire a Geisha?

There are many geisha experiences around Kyoto, especially from the Kyoto Maikoya Tea Ceremony, where visitors can see geikos or maikos perform through a virtual meeting or a private session in person.

Why do Geisha have black teeth and white makeup?

Geiko and Maiko put on white makeup to be seen clearly in the dark room, as there was no electricity in the past. The black teeth or "Ohaguro" is a practice observed to show someone has come of age or become an adult, and provides an attractive contrast to the white makeup. Although the course has died out, some geishas still dye their teeth in Kyoto.

Are Geishas respected in Japan?

Geishas are highly respected artists and performers in Japan; it is a long and challenging process to become one, especially in Kyoto, where the traditions are strictly observed.


Broma-Smenda, K. (2014). Enjo-kôsai (compensated dating) in contemporary Japanese society is seen through the lens of the play Call Me Komachi.Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, (27), 19-41

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Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko (2024)


Differences between Maiko and Geisha and Geiko? ›

The main differences between Maiko and geisha (geiko) are age, appearance, and skills. Maiko is usually younger than 20, wears a more colourful kimono with a red collar, and lacks conversation skills. Maiko means "dancing child, " referring to apprentice geisha still training.

Does maiko become geiko? ›

Maiko who are over the age of 20 years are allowed to become geiko. There is no test for maiko to become a geiko. Usually, the headmaster of the house decides when the maiko gets to become a geiko (around the age of 21 or so).

What is the highest form of geisha? ›

Ranking. At the pinnacle of the complex geisha ranking system are the grand dowagers of Kyoto. The gokagai of Kyoto are its five geisha districts, also known as hanamachi ("flower towns").

Are there still maiko in Japan? ›

The Daily Life of Maiko and Geiko in Kyoto

Kyoto is one of the last strongholds of geisha culture in Japan. Prior to World War II, geiko in Kyoto numbered around 80,000, whereas today it is estimated there are only around 300 maiko and geiko working in Kyoto's five hanamachi (geisha districts).

Why do geisha wear white makeup? ›

The history of a geisha's iconic makeup goes back to the Heian Period (794-1185) where nobility wore the white paste in front of the emperor so that their faces would stand out in the candlelight. During this period, the influence of Chinese culture included trends in beauty and practice.

Which is higher maiko or geisha? ›

Let's remember that a maiko is a geisha/geiko's apprentice, which means that this young girl is in the process of learning and doesn't have the knowledge or the experience of a geisha. The kimono is a Japanese traditional dress that maikos and geishas still wear nowadays, to work and in their daily life.

Why can't you take pictures of geishas? ›

Especially in the Gion district, tourist frenzy got so bad that the city actually BANNED taking photos of geisha in Gion. You have to have an official permit to photograph geisha in Gion and there is a fine if you are caught.

Do geishas get paid? ›

It can be anywhere between $3K a month to tens of thousands of dollars for a popular geisha as she can also get gifts from her clients including expensive silk kimono and gems that cost more than 5 figures etc.. Geisha's salary is secret. Why do geisha have white powder on their face?

Can geisha have boyfriends? ›

' As such, geisha are prohibited from getting married and would have to quit the profession if they want to marry. They're also not allowed to have boyfriends, which can make the job less desirable for many women. That said, many patrons will develop an affection for a particular geisha.

Are geishas concubines? ›

Geisha were entertainers who were indentured to geisha houses through a contract system, whereas concubines had a 'stable, ongoing sexual relationship' with a man of the household but occupied a position below the wife. In Japan, concubines were registered as part of the household until 1882.

Do geishas blacken their teeth? ›

Nowadays, the only places where ohaguro can be seen are some Japanese festivals, in period films, in kabuki, and in some hanamachi (geisha districts), where some apprentice geisha have their teeth blackened during the last stage of their apprenticeship, erikae, before graduating to geisha status.

What is the geisha seduction? ›

For five years the geisha is rigorously trained in the most sensual traditional arts but it's through the smallest movements that she bewitches. As shown so brilliantly in the movie 'Memoirs of a Geisha': a good geisha can bring a man to his knees by merely exposing her wrist when she pours him tea.

How do geisha sleep with hair? ›

"She doesn't use an ordinary pillow any longer, but a taka-makura." A taka-makura (translation: tall pillow) is essentially a small support stand for the neck designed to keep hair perfectly in tact as you sleep.

What happens to geishas when they get old? ›

For the rest who chose to be a geisha it is a lifetime profession though so many geisha eventually quit in their thirties and forties and become housewives. If they don't quit, most geisha become an okiya owner or inherit the okiya they are affiliated and run a geisha house.

What is the difference between maiko San and geiko San? ›

The main differences between Maiko and geisha (geiko) are age, appearance, and skills. Maiko is usually younger than 20, wears a more colourful kimono with a red collar, and lacks conversation skills. Maiko means “dancing child, ” referring to apprentice geisha still training.

How long does it take to become a geiko? ›

Nanoha said it usually takes four to five years of training to graduate from maiko to geiko. “Kozakura is 18 years old and has been training for three years. She's very serious about her training.” Nanoha herself was only promoted to geiko in November 2022.

Why are maiko white? ›

The white face makeup customary to geisha and maiko originated in China, used because, in the dim candlelight, wearing thick white makeup created a porcelain look. The mouth looked like lacquer ware—something loved and praised by the Japanese.

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